Trait: angina pectoris

Experimental Factor Ontology (EFO) Information
Identifier EFO_0003913
Description The symptom of paroxysmal pain consequent to MYOCARDIAL ISCHEMIA usually of distinctive character, location and radiation. It is thought to be provoked by a transient stressful situation during which the oxygen requirements of the MYOCARDIUM exceed that supplied by the CORONARY CIRCULATION.
Trait category
Other trait
Synonyms 5 synonyms
  • Angor Pectoris
  • Stenocardia
  • Stenocardias
  • angina
  • stable angina
Mapped terms 8 mapped terms
  • ICD10:I20
  • ICD9:413
  • MeSH:D000787
  • MeSH:D060050
  • MedDRA:10002383
  • NCIt:C66914
  • SNOMEDCT:194828000
  • SNOMEDCT:233819005

Associated Polygenic Score(s)

Filter PGS by Participant Ancestry
Individuals included in:
G - Source of Variant Associations (GWAS)
D - Score Development/Training
E - PGS Evaluation
List of ancestries includes:
Display options:
Ancestry legend
Multi-ancestry (including European)
Multi-ancestry (excluding European)
East Asian
South Asian
Additional Asian Ancestries
Greater Middle Eastern
Hispanic or Latin American
Additional Diverse Ancestries
Not Reported
Polygenic Score ID & Name PGS Publication ID (PGP) Reported Trait Mapped Trait(s) (Ontology) Number of Variants Ancestry distribution
Scoring File (FTP Link)
PGP000128 |
Sinnott-Armstrong N et al. Nat Genet (2021)
Angina angina pectoris 183,692
- - Check Terms/Licenses
PGP000244 |
Tanigawa Y et al. PLoS Genet (2022)
Angina angina pectoris 2,562
PGP000244 |
Tanigawa Y et al. PLoS Genet (2022)
Angina pectoris (time-to-event) angina pectoris 2,524
PGP000244 |
Tanigawa Y et al. PLoS Genet (2022)
Vascular/heart problems diagnosed by doctor Angina angina pectoris 1,852
PGP000561 |
Jung H et al. Commun Biol (2024)
I20 (Angina pectoris) angina pectoris 1,059,939
PGP000561 |
Jung H et al. Commun Biol (2024)
I20 (Angina pectoris) angina pectoris 1,059,939

Performance Metrics

Disclaimer: The performance metrics are displayed as reported by the source studies. It is important to note that metrics are not necessarily comparable with each other. For example, metrics depend on the sample characteristics (described by the PGS Catalog Sample Set [PSS] ID), phenotyping, and statistical modelling. Please refer to the source publication for additional guidance on performance.

PGS Performance
Metric ID (PPM)
Evaluated Score PGS Sample Set ID
Performance Source Trait PGS Effect Sizes
(per SD change)
Classification Metrics Other Metrics Covariates Included in the Model PGS Performance:
Other Relevant Information
PPM001595 PGS000703
European Ancestry|
87,413 individuals
PGP000128 |
Sinnott-Armstrong N et al. Nat Genet (2021)
Reported Trait: Angina AUROC: 0.59262 Age, sex, PCs(1-10)
PPM008805 PGS001260
African Ancestry|
6,497 individuals
PGP000244 |
Tanigawa Y et al. PLoS Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Angina AUROC: 0.74858 [0.72225, 0.7749] : 0.10317
Incremental AUROC (full-covars): 0.00581
PGS R2 (no covariates): 0.0021
PGS AUROC (no covariates): 0.53477 [0.50036, 0.56918]
age, sex, UKB array type, Genotype PCs Full Model & PGS R2 is estimated using Nagelkerke's method
PPM008806 PGS001260
East Asian Ancestry|
1,704 individuals
PGP000244 |
Tanigawa Y et al. PLoS Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Angina AUROC: 0.79053 [0.72587, 0.85519] : 0.12393
Incremental AUROC (full-covars): 0.00849
PGS R2 (no covariates): 0.01465
PGS AUROC (no covariates): 0.60534 [0.52229, 0.68839]
age, sex, UKB array type, Genotype PCs Full Model & PGS R2 is estimated using Nagelkerke's method
PPM008807 PGS001260
European Ancestry|
24,905 individuals
PGP000244 |
Tanigawa Y et al. PLoS Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Angina AUROC: 0.74298 [0.72979, 0.75617] : 0.1154
Incremental AUROC (full-covars): 0.00783
PGS R2 (no covariates): 0.01185
PGS AUROC (no covariates): 0.58108 [0.56544, 0.59672]
age, sex, UKB array type, Genotype PCs Full Model & PGS R2 is estimated using Nagelkerke's method
PPM008808 PGS001260
South Asian Ancestry|
7,831 individuals
PGP000244 |
Tanigawa Y et al. PLoS Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Angina AUROC: 0.74658 [0.73013, 0.76304] : 0.14735
Incremental AUROC (full-covars): 0.00443
PGS R2 (no covariates): 0.00579
PGS AUROC (no covariates): 0.54578 [0.52572, 0.56585]
age, sex, UKB array type, Genotype PCs Full Model & PGS R2 is estimated using Nagelkerke's method
PPM008809 PGS001260
European Ancestry|
67,425 individuals
PGP000244 |
Tanigawa Y et al. PLoS Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Angina AUROC: 0.74167 [0.73419, 0.74914] : 0.11464
Incremental AUROC (full-covars): 0.01108
PGS R2 (no covariates): 0.01112
PGS AUROC (no covariates): 0.57435 [0.565, 0.58369]
age, sex, UKB array type, Genotype PCs Full Model & PGS R2 is estimated using Nagelkerke's method
PPM008810 PGS001261
African Ancestry|
6,497 individuals
PGP000244 |
Tanigawa Y et al. PLoS Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: TTE angina pectoris AUROC: 0.74888 [0.72237, 0.77539] : 0.10279
Incremental AUROC (full-covars): 0.00677
PGS R2 (no covariates): 0.00325
PGS AUROC (no covariates): 0.54251 [0.50735, 0.57767]
age, sex, UKB array type, Genotype PCs Full Model & PGS R2 is estimated using Nagelkerke's method
PPM008811 PGS001261
East Asian Ancestry|
1,704 individuals
PGP000244 |
Tanigawa Y et al. PLoS Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: TTE angina pectoris AUROC: 0.79649 [0.73626, 0.85672] : 0.13398
Incremental AUROC (full-covars): 0.00843
PGS R2 (no covariates): 0.01725
PGS AUROC (no covariates): 0.61522 [0.5356, 0.69485]
age, sex, UKB array type, Genotype PCs Full Model & PGS R2 is estimated using Nagelkerke's method
PPM008812 PGS001261
European Ancestry|
24,905 individuals
PGP000244 |
Tanigawa Y et al. PLoS Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: TTE angina pectoris AUROC: 0.74852 [0.73543, 0.76161] : 0.12116
Incremental AUROC (full-covars): 0.00796
PGS R2 (no covariates): 0.01228
PGS AUROC (no covariates): 0.58233 [0.56671, 0.59794]
age, sex, UKB array type, Genotype PCs Full Model & PGS R2 is estimated using Nagelkerke's method
PPM008813 PGS001261
South Asian Ancestry|
7,831 individuals
PGP000244 |
Tanigawa Y et al. PLoS Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: TTE angina pectoris AUROC: 0.74714 [0.73072, 0.76355] : 0.14768
Incremental AUROC (full-covars): 0.00461
PGS R2 (no covariates): 0.00594
PGS AUROC (no covariates): 0.54707 [0.52705, 0.56709]
age, sex, UKB array type, Genotype PCs Full Model & PGS R2 is estimated using Nagelkerke's method
PPM008814 PGS001261
European Ancestry|
67,425 individuals
PGP000244 |
Tanigawa Y et al. PLoS Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: TTE angina pectoris AUROC: 0.742 [0.73458, 0.74942] : 0.11586
Incremental AUROC (full-covars): 0.01139
PGS R2 (no covariates): 0.01162
PGS AUROC (no covariates): 0.57494 [0.56568, 0.5842]
age, sex, UKB array type, Genotype PCs Full Model & PGS R2 is estimated using Nagelkerke's method
PPM008815 PGS001262
African Ancestry|
3,985 individuals
PGP000244 |
Tanigawa Y et al. PLoS Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Vascular/heart problems diagnosed by doctor Angina AUROC: 0.82431 [0.7951, 0.85352] : 0.18928
Incremental AUROC (full-covars): 0.00472
PGS R2 (no covariates): 0.00244
PGS AUROC (no covariates): 0.54151 [0.4965, 0.58652]
age, sex, UKB array type, Genotype PCs Full Model & PGS R2 is estimated using Nagelkerke's method
PPM008816 PGS001262
East Asian Ancestry|
1,317 individuals
PGP000244 |
Tanigawa Y et al. PLoS Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Vascular/heart problems diagnosed by doctor Angina AUROC: 0.81573 [0.71999, 0.91148] : 0.18878
Incremental AUROC (full-covars): 0.01113
PGS R2 (no covariates): 0.00409
PGS AUROC (no covariates): 0.54123 [0.41196, 0.67049]
age, sex, UKB array type, Genotype PCs Full Model & PGS R2 is estimated using Nagelkerke's method
PPM008817 PGS001262
European Ancestry|
18,868 individuals
PGP000244 |
Tanigawa Y et al. PLoS Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Vascular/heart problems diagnosed by doctor Angina AUROC: 0.78043 [0.76461, 0.79624] : 0.14388
Incremental AUROC (full-covars): 0.00599
PGS R2 (no covariates): 0.01288
PGS AUROC (no covariates): 0.58632 [0.56598, 0.60667]
age, sex, UKB array type, Genotype PCs Full Model & PGS R2 is estimated using Nagelkerke's method
PPM008818 PGS001262
South Asian Ancestry|
5,473 individuals
PGP000244 |
Tanigawa Y et al. PLoS Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Vascular/heart problems diagnosed by doctor Angina AUROC: 0.8083 [0.78794, 0.82865] : 0.2132
Incremental AUROC (full-covars): 0.00447
PGS R2 (no covariates): 0.00511
PGS AUROC (no covariates): 0.54847 [0.52094, 0.57599]
age, sex, UKB array type, Genotype PCs Full Model & PGS R2 is estimated using Nagelkerke's method
PPM008819 PGS001262
European Ancestry|
49,472 individuals
PGP000244 |
Tanigawa Y et al. PLoS Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Vascular/heart problems diagnosed by doctor Angina AUROC: 0.80729 [0.79886, 0.81571] : 0.17468
Incremental AUROC (full-covars): 0.0098
PGS R2 (no covariates): 0.01304
PGS AUROC (no covariates): 0.58683 [0.57429, 0.59937]
age, sex, UKB array type, Genotype PCs Full Model & PGS R2 is estimated using Nagelkerke's method
PPM020572 PGS004457
European Ancestry|
56,192 individuals
PGP000561 |
Jung H et al. Commun Biol (2024)
Reported Trait: I20 (Angina pectoris) OR: 1.30968
PPM020642 PGS004527
European Ancestry|
56,192 individuals
PGP000561 |
Jung H et al. Commun Biol (2024)
Reported Trait: I20 (Angina pectoris) OR: 1.42944

Evaluated Samples

PGS Sample Set ID
Phenotype Definitions and Methods Participant Follow-up Time Sample Numbers Age of Study Participants Sample Ancestry Additional Ancestry Description Cohort(s) Additional Sample/Cohort Information
  • 281 cases
  • , 6,216 controls
African unspecified UKB
  • 41 cases
  • , 1,663 controls
East Asian UKB
  • 1,341 cases
  • , 23,564 controls
European non-white British ancestry UKB
  • 876 cases
  • , 6,955 controls
South Asian UKB
  • 3,927 cases
  • , 63,498 controls
European white British ancestry UKB Testing cohort (heldout set)
  • 275 cases
  • , 6,222 controls
African unspecified UKB
  • 45 cases
  • , 1,659 controls
East Asian UKB
  • 1,336 cases
  • , 23,569 controls
European non-white British ancestry UKB
PSS000794 87,413 individuals European UKB
  • 878 cases
  • , 6,953 controls
South Asian UKB
  • 3,997 cases
  • , 63,428 controls
European white British ancestry UKB Testing cohort (heldout set)
  • 161 cases
  • , 3,824 controls
African unspecified UKB
  • 21 cases
  • , 1,296 controls
East Asian UKB
  • 784 cases
  • , 18,084 controls
European non-white British ancestry UKB
  • 430 cases
  • , 5,043 controls
South Asian UKB
  • 2,098 cases
  • , 47,374 controls
European white British ancestry UKB Testing cohort (heldout set)
PSS011364 56,192 individuals European UKB