
PGS Publication/Study ID (PGP) PGS Developed PGS Evaluated First Author Title Journal Name Publication Date Digital object identifier (doi) PubMed ID (PMID)
PGP000492 1 3 Thomas M T Combining Asian-European Genome-Wide Association Studies of Colorectal Cancer Improves Risk Prediction Across Race and Ethnicity. medRxivPre 19/01/2023 10.1101/2023.01.19.23284737
PGP000608 2 2 Zheng SL Genome-wide association analysis reveals insights into the molecular etiology underlying dilated cardiomyopathy medRxivPre 29/09/2023 10.1101/2023.09.28.23295408
PGP000461 10 10 Dahl A Phenotype integration improves power and preserves specificity in biobank-based genetic studies of MDD bioRxivPre 15/08/2022 10.1101/2022.08.15.503980
PGP000517 184 184 Monti M R Evaluation of polygenic scoring methods in five biobanks reveals greater variability between biobanks than between methods and highlights benefits of ensemble learning medRxivPre 16/11/2023 10.1101/2023.11.20.23298215
PGP000582 2 2 Gorman BR Distinctive cross-ancestry genetic architecture for age-related macular degeneration medRxivPre 21/08/2022 10.1101/2022.08.16.22278855
PGP000606 0 1 Szczerbinski L Algorithms for the identification of prevalent diabetes in the All of Us Research Program validated using polygenic scores - a new resource for diabetes precision medicine medRxivPre 05/09/2023 10.1101/2023.09.05.23295061
PGP000514 5 5 Hassanin E Trans-ancestry polygenic models for the prediction of LDL blood levels: An analysis of the UK Biobank and Taiwan Biobank medRxivPre 06/08/2023 10.1101/2023.08.03.23293320