Publication Information (EuropePMC) | |
Title | Using polygenic scores for identifying individuals at increased risk of substance use disorders in clinical and population samples. |
PubMed ID | 32555147(Europe PMC) |
doi | 10.1038/s41398-020-00865-8 |
Publication Date | June 18, 2020 |
Journal | Transl Psychiatry |
Author(s) | Barr PB, Ksinan A, Su J, Johnson EC, Meyers JL, Wetherill L, Latvala A, Aliev F, Chan G, Kuperman S, Nurnberger J, Kamarajan C, Anokhin A, Agrawal A, Rose RJ, Edenberg HJ, Schuckit M, Kaprio J, Dick DM. |
Polygenic Score ID & Name | PGS Publication ID (PGP) | Reported Trait | Mapped Trait(s) (Ontology) | Number of Variants |
Ancestry distribution GWAS Dev Eval |
Scoring File (FTP Link) |
PGS000204 (GSCAN_DPW_FT12) |
PGP000084 | Barr PB et al. Transl Psychiatry (2020) |
Alcohol consumption (drinks per week) | alcohol consumption measurement | 1,099,480 | - | |
PGS000202 (PROB_ALC_FT12) |
PGP000084 | Barr PB et al. Transl Psychiatry (2020) |
Problematic alcohol use | alcohol dependence measurement | 1,083,002 | - | |
PGP000084 | Barr PB et al. Transl Psychiatry (2020) |
Alcohol consumption (drinks per week) | alcohol consumption measurement | 1,110,910 | - | |
PGS000206 (RISK_PC_FT12) |
PGP000084 | Barr PB et al. Transl Psychiatry (2020) |
Risk-taking tendency (4-domain principal component model) | risk-taking behaviour | 1,098,765 | - | |
PGP000084 | Barr PB et al. Transl Psychiatry (2020) |
Problematic alcohol use | alcohol dependence measurement | 1,094,954 | - | |
PGS000205 (RISK_PC_COGA) |
PGP000084 | Barr PB et al. Transl Psychiatry (2020) |
Risk-taking tendency (4-domain principal component model) | risk-taking behaviour | 1,110,737 | - | |
PGS Performance Metric ID (PPM) |
Evaluated Score |
PGS Sample Set ID (PSS) |
Performance Source | Trait |
PGS Effect Sizes (per SD change) |
Classification Metrics | Other Metrics | Covariates Included in the Model |
PGS Performance: Other Relevant Information |
PPM000630 | PGS000206 (RISK_PC_FT12) |
PSS000340| European Ancestry| 1,251 individuals |
PGP000084 | Barr PB et al. Transl Psychiatry (2020) |
Reported Trait: Alcohol use disorder (DSM-5 criteria count, log-transformed) | β: 0.1 (0.02) | — | ΔR-squared (vs. covariates alone): 0.02273 | sex, age of last observation, 10 Genetic PCs | — |
PPM000629 | PGS000202 (PROB_ALC_FT12) |
PSS000340| European Ancestry| 1,251 individuals |
PGP000084 | Barr PB et al. Transl Psychiatry (2020) |
Reported Trait: Alcohol use disorder (DSM-5 criteria count, log-transformed) | β: 0.043 (0.019) | — | ΔR-squared (vs. covariates alone): 0.00456 | sex, age of last observation, 10 Genetic PCs | — |
PPM000628 | PGS000204 (GSCAN_DPW_FT12) |
PSS000340| European Ancestry| 1,251 individuals |
PGP000084 | Barr PB et al. Transl Psychiatry (2020) |
Reported Trait: Alcohol use disorder (DSM-5 criteria count, log-transformed) | β: 0.114 (0.019) | — | ΔR-squared (vs. covariates alone): 0.0298 | sex, age of last observation, 10 Genetic PCs | — |
PPM000627 | PGS000205 (RISK_PC_COGA) |
PSS000339| European Ancestry| 7,599 individuals |
PGP000084 | Barr PB et al. Transl Psychiatry (2020) |
Reported Trait: Alcohol use disorder (DSM-5 criteria count, log-transformed) | β: 0.117 (0.011) | — | ΔR-squared (vs. covariates alone): 0.01613 | sex, age of last observation, 10 Genetic PCs, genotyping array, data collection site | — |
PPM000626 | PGS000201 (PROB_ALC_COGA) |
PSS000339| European Ancestry| 7,599 individuals |
PGP000084 | Barr PB et al. Transl Psychiatry (2020) |
Reported Trait: Alcohol use disorder (DSM-5 criteria count, log-transformed) | β: 0.099 (0.01) | — | ΔR-squared (vs. covariates alone): 0.01192 | sex, age of last observation, 10 Genetic PCs, genotyping array, data collection site | — |
PPM000625 | PGS000203 (GSCAN_DPW_COGA) |
PSS000339| European Ancestry| 7,599 individuals |
PGP000084 | Barr PB et al. Transl Psychiatry (2020) |
Reported Trait: Alcohol use disorder (DSM-5 criteria count, log-transformed) | β: 0.121 (0.01) | — | ΔR-squared (vs. covariates alone): 0.01734 | sex, age of last observation, 10 Genetic PCs, genotyping array, data collection site | — |
PGS Sample Set ID (PSS) |
Phenotype Definitions and Methods | Participant Follow-up Time | Sample Numbers | Age of Study Participants | Sample Ancestry | Additional Ancestry Description | Cohort(s) | Additional Sample/Cohort Information |
PSS000340 | — | — | 1,251 individuals, 45.6 % Male samples |
Mean = 21.9 years Sd = 0.77 years Range = [21.0, 26.0] years |
European (Finnish) |
— | FinnTwin12 | Twin Study |
PSS000339 | — | — | 7,599 individuals, 47.16 % Male samples |
Mean = 36.94 years Sd = 14.77 years Range = [12.0, 91.0] years |
European | — | COGA | — |