Trait: estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer

Experimental Factor Ontology (EFO) Information
Identifier EFO_1000650
Description A subtype of breast cancer that is estrogen-receptor negative [EFO: 1000650]
Trait category
Synonyms 2 synonyms
  • ER- breast cancer
  • estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer
Mapped terms 3 mapped terms
  • DOID:0060076
  • EFO:1000650
  • MONDO:0006513
Child trait(s) triple-negative breast cancer

Associated Polygenic Score(s)

Filter PGS by Participant Ancestry
Individuals included in:
G - Source of Variant Associations (GWAS)
D - Score Development/Training
E - PGS Evaluation
List of ancestries includes:
Display options:
Ancestry legend
Multi-ancestry (including European)
Multi-ancestry (excluding European)
East Asian
South Asian
Additional Asian Ancestries
Greater Middle Eastern
Hispanic or Latin American
Additional Diverse Ancestries
Not Reported
Note: This table shows all PGS for "estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer" and any child terms of this trait in the EFO hierarchy by default.
Polygenic Score ID & Name PGS Publication ID (PGP) Reported Trait Mapped Trait(s) (Ontology) Number of Variants Ancestry distribution
Scoring File (FTP Link)
PGP000001 |
Mavaddat N et al. J Natl Cancer Inst (2015)
ER-negative breast cancer estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer 77
PGP000002 |
Mavaddat N et al. Am J Hum Genet (2018)
ER-negative breast cancer estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer 313
PGP000002 |
Mavaddat N et al. Am J Hum Genet (2018)
ER-negative breast cancer estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer 3,820
PGP000033 |
Kuchenbaecker KB et al. J Natl Cancer Inst (2017)
Estrogen receptor [ER]-negative breast cancer estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer 53
PGP000088 |
Zhang H et al. Nat Genet (2020)
Breast cancer intrinsic-like subtype (triple negative) triple-negative breast cancer 330
PGP000112 |
Ho WK et al. Nat Commun (2020)
Estrogen receptor negative breast cancer estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer 287
PGP000179 |
Du Z et al. J Natl Cancer Inst (2021)
Estrogen receptor negative breast cancer estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer 179
PGP000612 |
Gao C et al. J Clin Oncol (2021)
ER-negative breast cancer estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer 105
PGP000620 |
Sun X et al. Cancer Res (2024)
Triple negative breast cancer versus luminal breast cancer triple-negative breast cancer 25
PGP000620 |
Sun X et al. Cancer Res (2024)
Triple negative breast cancer triple-negative breast cancer 25
PGP000620 |
Sun X et al. Cancer Res (2024)
Triple negative breast cancer triple-negative breast cancer 41
PGP000621 |
Gao G et al. Hum Mol Genet (2022)
Estrogen receptor negative breast cancer estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer 28,405

Performance Metrics

Disclaimer: The performance metrics are displayed as reported by the source studies. It is important to note that metrics are not necessarily comparable with each other. For example, metrics depend on the sample characteristics (described by the PGS Catalog Sample Set [PSS] ID), phenotyping, and statistical modelling. Please refer to the source publication for additional guidance on performance.

PGS Performance
Metric ID (PPM)
Evaluated Score PGS Sample Set ID
Performance Source Trait PGS Effect Sizes
(per SD change)
Classification Metrics Other Metrics Covariates Included in the Model PGS Performance:
Other Relevant Information
PPM000013 PGS000003
European Ancestry|
11,428 individuals
PGP000002 |
Mavaddat N et al. Am J Hum Genet (2018)
Reported Trait: ER-negative breast cancer OR: 1.35 [1.27, 1.43] AUROC: 0.584 study, genetic PCs 1-15
PPM000116 PGS000003
European Ancestry|
15,252 individuals
PGP000033 |
Kuchenbaecker KB et al. J Natl Cancer Inst (2017)
Reported Trait: Breast cancer in BRCA1 mutation carriers HR: 1.24 [1.21, 1.28] Country, birth year
PPM000119 PGS000003
European Ancestry|
8,211 individuals
PGP000033 |
Kuchenbaecker KB et al. J Natl Cancer Inst (2017)
Reported Trait: Breast cancer in BRCA2 mutation carriers HR: 1.13 [1.08, 1.18] Country, birth year
PPM000003 PGS000003
European Ancestry|
38,722 individuals
PGP000001 |
Mavaddat N et al. J Natl Cancer Inst (2015)
Reported Trait: ER-negative breast cancer OR: 1.45 [1.4, 1.49]
PPM000007 PGS000006
European Ancestry|
11,428 individuals
PGP000002 |
Mavaddat N et al. Am J Hum Genet (2018)
Reported Trait: ER-negative breast cancer OR: 1.45 [1.37, 1.53] AUROC: 0.601 study, genetic PCs 1-15
PPM000950 PGS000006
European Ancestry|
56,068 individuals
PGP000109 |
Kramer I et al. Am J Hum Genet (2020)
Reported Trait: Invasive metachronous contralateral breast cancer HR: 1.24 [1.16, 1.33] Country
PPM000949 PGS000006
European Ancestry|
56,068 individuals
PGP000109 |
Kramer I et al. Am J Hum Genet (2020)
Reported Trait: Metachronous contralateral breast cancer HR: 1.25 [1.17, 1.33] Country
PPM000967 PGS000006
European Ancestry|
56,068 individuals
PGP000109 |
Kramer I et al. Am J Hum Genet (2020)
Reported Trait: Invasive metachronous contralateral breast cancer HR: 1.24 [1.16, 1.33] Country
PPM000966 PGS000006
European Ancestry|
56,068 individuals
PGP000109 |
Kramer I et al. Am J Hum Genet (2020)
Reported Trait: Metachronous contralateral breast cancer HR: 1.25 [1.17, 1.33] Country
PPM001024 PGS000006
European Ancestry|
18,935 individuals
PGP000117 |
Barnes DR et al. Genet Med (2020)
Reported Trait: Breast cancer in BRCA1 carriers HR: 1.29 [1.25, 1.33] birth cohort, PCs(1-4) of ancestry, family history in first- and second-degree relatives
PPM001025 PGS000006
European Ancestry|
12,339 individuals
PGP000117 |
Barnes DR et al. Genet Med (2020)
Reported Trait: Breast cancer in BRCA2 carriers HR: 1.23 [1.18, 1.27] birth cohort, PCs(1-4) of ancestry, family history in first- and second-degree relatives
PPM001026 PGS000006
European Ancestry|
13,401 individuals
PGP000117 |
Barnes DR et al. Genet Med (2020)
Reported Trait: ER negative breast cancer in BRCA1 carriers HR: 1.23 [1.18, 1.27] birth cohort, PCs(1-4) of ancestry, family history in first- and second-degree relatives
PPM001027 PGS000006
European Ancestry|
8,752 individuals
PGP000117 |
Barnes DR et al. Genet Med (2020)
Reported Trait: ER negative breast cancer in BRCA2 carriers HR: 1.29 [1.19, 1.41] birth cohort, PCs(1-4) of ancestry, family history in first- and second-degree relatives
PPM001028 PGS000006
European Ancestry|
13,401 individuals
PGP000117 |
Barnes DR et al. Genet Med (2020)
Reported Trait: ER positive breast cancer in BRCA1 carriers HR: 1.29 [1.21, 1.37] birth cohort, PCs(1-4) of ancestry, family history in first- and second-degree relatives
PPM001029 PGS000006
European Ancestry|
8,752 individuals
PGP000117 |
Barnes DR et al. Genet Med (2020)
Reported Trait: ER positive breast cancer in BRCA2 carriers HR: 1.21 [1.15, 1.27] birth cohort, PCs(1-4) of ancestry, family history in first- and second-degree relatives
PPM001034 PGS000006
European Ancestry|
2,088 individuals
PGP000117 |
Barnes DR et al. Genet Med (2020)
Reported Trait: Incident breast cancer in BRCA1 carriers HR: 1.28 [1.14, 1.44] family history of the appropriate cancer in first- and second-degree relatives
PPM001949 PGS000006
European Ancestry|
5,714 individuals
PGP000167 |
Maguire S et al. J Natl Cancer Inst (2021)
Reported Trait: Breast cancer in males OR: 1.37 [1.29, 1.47] Odds Ratio (OR, top 20% vs. bottom 20%): 2.39 [1.93, 2.96]
PPM001950 PGS000006
European Ancestry|
5,714 individuals
PGP000167 |
Maguire S et al. J Natl Cancer Inst (2021)
Reported Trait: Breast cancer in females OR: 1.38 [1.29, 1.47] Odds Ratio (OR, top 20% vs. bottom 20%): 2.51 [2.05, 3.07]
PPM002003 PGS000006
Multi-ancestry (excluding European)|
19,434 individuals
PGP000179 |
Du Z et al. J Natl Cancer Inst (2021)
Reported Trait: Estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer OR: 1.21 [1.15, 1.27] Odds Ratio (OR, top 10% vs. middle 20%): 1.47 [1.25, 1.74] Age, study, PCs(1-10) Only 224 of the original 313 SNPs were avaialble in all consortia (imputation score r^2 < 0.8).For missing variants (not genotyped or imputed) in one study, each individual in that study was assigned the expected dosage derived from the remainder of studies.
PPM002004 PGS000006
Multi-ancestry (excluding European)|
19,434 individuals
PGP000179 |
Du Z et al. J Natl Cancer Inst (2021)
Reported Trait: Estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer AUROC: 0.562 [0.551, 0.573] Study, PCs(1-10) Only 224 of the original 313 SNPs were avaialble in all consortia (imputation score r^2 < 0.8).For missing variants (not genotyped or imputed) in one study, each individual in that study was assigned the expected dosage derived from the remainder of studies.
PPM005124 PGS000006
European Ancestry|
1,177 individuals
PGP000245 |
Barnes DR et al. J Natl Cancer Inst (2021)
Reported Trait: Male estrogen receptor negative breast cancer in BRCA2 carriers OR: 1.23 [1.07, 1.41] PCs(1-3)
PPM005125 PGS000006
European Ancestry|
1,177 individuals
PGP000245 |
Barnes DR et al. J Natl Cancer Inst (2021)
Reported Trait: Male estrogen receptor negative breast cancer in BRCA2 carriers OR: 1.23 [1.07, 1.42] PCs(1-3), family history of male breast cancer in first and second degree relatives
PPM005126 PGS000006
European Ancestry|
1,177 individuals
PGP000245 |
Barnes DR et al. J Natl Cancer Inst (2021)
Reported Trait: Male estrogen receptor negative breast cancer in BRCA2 carriers OR: 1.25 [1.09, 1.45] PCs(1-3), family history of female breast cancer in first and second degree relatives
PPM014890 PGS000006
Ancestry Not Reported|
2,559 individuals
PGP000351 |
Li S et al. Cancers (Basel) (2022)
Reported Trait: Cumulus Mammogram Risk Scores β: 0.059 [0.015, 0.103] first 10 principal components
PPM014892 PGS000006
Ancestry Not Reported|
2,559 individuals
PGP000351 |
Li S et al. Cancers (Basel) (2022)
Reported Trait: Altocumulus Mammogram Risk Scores β: 0.068 [0.024, 0.112] first 10 principal components
PPM014893 PGS000006
Ancestry Not Reported|
2,559 individuals
PGP000351 |
Li S et al. Cancers (Basel) (2022)
Reported Trait: Cirrocumulus Mammogram Risk Scores β: 0.046 [0.003, 0.089] first 10 principal components
PPM014894 PGS000006
Ancestry Not Reported|
2,559 individuals
PGP000351 |
Li S et al. Cancers (Basel) (2022)
Reported Trait: Cumulus-white Mammogram Risk Scores β: 0.045 [0.002, 0.089] first 10 principal components
PPM014891 PGS000006
Ancestry Not Reported|
2,559 individuals
PGP000351 |
Li S et al. Cancers (Basel) (2022)
Reported Trait: Cumulus percent Mammogram Risk Scores β: 0.065 [0.021, 0.109] first 10 principal components
PPM000010 PGS000009
European Ancestry|
11,428 individuals
PGP000002 |
Mavaddat N et al. Am J Hum Genet (2018)
Reported Trait: ER-negative breast cancer OR: 1.44 [1.36, 1.53] AUROC: 0.6 study, genetic PCs 1-15
PPM000122 PGS000047
European Ancestry|
1,590 individuals
PGP000034 |
Lecarpentier J et al. J Clin Oncol (2017)
Reported Trait: Breast cancer in male carriers of BRCA1/2 mutations OR: 1.19 [1.05, 1.35] AUROC: 0.55 [0.51, 0.59] 3 PCs of ancestry, age at breast or prostate cancer for patient-cases and age at interview for controls, mutation status of BRCA1 or BRCA2 PGS predicting Male Breast Cancer are based on association statistics from a Female Breast Cancer GWAS
PPM000110 PGS000047
European Ancestry|
15,252 individuals
PGP000033 |
Kuchenbaecker KB et al. J Natl Cancer Inst (2017)
Reported Trait: Breast cancer in BRCA1 mutation carriers HR: 1.27 [1.23, 1.31] C-index: 0.581 [0.571, 0.592] Country, birth year
PPM000111 PGS000047
European Ancestry|
8,211 individuals
PGP000033 |
Kuchenbaecker KB et al. J Natl Cancer Inst (2017)
Reported Trait: Breast cancer in BRCA2 mutation carriers HR: 1.15 [1.1, 1.2] C-index: 0.538 [0.523, 0.553] Country, birth year
PPM014913 PGS000047
Ancestry Not Reported|
295 individuals
PGP000355 |
Borde J et al. BMC Cancer (2022)
Reported Trait: Estrogen receptor [ER]-negative breast cancer in BRAC2 PV carriers OR: 2.27 [1.45, 3.78] effective SNP set size of N=50
PPM000661 PGS000216
European Ancestry|
22,821 individuals
PGP000088 |
Zhang H et al. Nat Genet (2020)
Reported Trait: Breast cancer intrinsic-like subtype (triple negative) OR: 1.65 [1.57, 1.73] AUROC: 0.6358
PPM000981 PGS000346
Additional Asian Ancestries|
1,492 individuals
PGP000112 |
Ho WK et al. Nat Commun (2020)
Reported Trait: ER-negative breast cancer OR: 1.49 [1.26, 1.75] AUROC: 0.587 PCs (1-10), study, array,batch Standardised to SDs of PRs in European controls
PPM000978 PGS000346
Multi-ancestry (excluding European)|
9,391 individuals
PGP000112 |
Ho WK et al. Nat Commun (2020)
Reported Trait: ER-negative breast cancer OR: 1.43 [1.35, 1.52] PCs (1-10), study, array,batch
PPM000975 PGS000346
Additional Asian Ancestries|
21,247 individuals
PGP000112 |
Ho WK et al. Nat Commun (2020)
Reported Trait: ER-negative breast cancer OR: 1.41 [1.36, 1.46] AUROC: 0.594 PCs (1-10), study, array,batch Standardised to SDs of PRs in European controls
PPM002009 PGS000775
Multi-ancestry (excluding European)|
19,434 individuals
PGP000179 |
Du Z et al. J Natl Cancer Inst (2021)
Reported Trait: Estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer OR: 1.31 [1.24, 1.37] Age, study, PCs(1-10) Only 163 of the original 179 SNPs were avaialble in all consortia (imputation score r^2 < 0.8).For missing variants (not genotyped or imputed) in one study, each individual in that study was assigned the expected dosage derived from the remainder of studies
PPM002010 PGS000775
Multi-ancestry (excluding European)|
19,434 individuals
PGP000179 |
Du Z et al. J Natl Cancer Inst (2021)
Reported Trait: Estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer AUROC: 0.578 [0.564, 0.591] Study, PCs(1-10) Only 163 of the original 179 SNPs were avaialble in all consortia (imputation score r^2 < 0.8).For missing variants (not genotyped or imputed) in one study, each individual in that study was assigned the expected dosage derived from the remainder of studies
PPM021106 PGS004867
European Ancestry|
52,925 individuals
PGP000612 |
Gao C et al. J Clin Oncol (2021)
Reported Trait: Breast cancer among BRAC1 carriers younger than 40 years OR: 61.05 [25.31, 147.28] Odds ratio is for a 1-SD change from the median PRS in BRCA1 variant carriers vs non-carriers
PPM021107 PGS004867
European Ancestry|
52,925 individuals
PGP000612 |
Gao C et al. J Clin Oncol (2021)
Reported Trait: Breast cancer among BRAC2 carriers younger than 40 years OR: 13.16 [4.29, 35.2] Odds ratio is for a 1-SD change from the median PRS in BRCA2 variant carriers vs non-carriers
PPM021108 PGS004867
European Ancestry|
52,925 individuals
PGP000612 |
Gao C et al. J Clin Oncol (2021)
Reported Trait: Breast cancer among ATM carriers younger than 40 years OR: 1.78 [0.92, 3.46] Odds ratio is for a 1-SD change from the median PRS in ATM variant carriers vs non-carriers
PPM021109 PGS004867
European Ancestry|
52,925 individuals
PGP000612 |
Gao C et al. J Clin Oncol (2021)
Reported Trait: Breast cancer among CHEK2 carriers younger than 40 years OR: 1.79 [1.02, 3.14] Odds ratio is for a 1-SD change from the median PRS in CHEK2 variant carriers vs non-carriers
PPM021110 PGS004867
European Ancestry|
52,925 individuals
PGP000612 |
Gao C et al. J Clin Oncol (2021)
Reported Trait: Breast cancer among PALB2 carriers younger than 40 years OR: 11.95 [6.41, 22.3] Odds ratio is for a 1-SD change from the median PRS in PALB2 variant carriers vs non-carriers
PPM021111 PGS004867
European Ancestry|
52,925 individuals
PGP000612 |
Gao C et al. J Clin Oncol (2021)
Reported Trait: Breast cancer among BARD1 carriers younger than 40 years OR: 4.42 [1.9, 10.3] Odds ratio is for a 1-SD change from the median PRS in BARD1 variant carriers vs non-carriers
PPM021112 PGS004867
European Ancestry|
52,925 individuals
PGP000612 |
Gao C et al. J Clin Oncol (2021)
Reported Trait: Breast cancer among BRIP1 carriers younger than 40 years OR: 2.45 [1.0, 5.97] Odds ratio is for a 1-SD change from the median PRS in BRIP1 variant carriers vs non-carriers
PPM021270 PGS004890
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
9,868 individuals
PGP000620 |
Sun X et al. Cancer Res (2024)
Reported Trait: Triple negative breast cancer compared to luminal-like breast cancer Odds ratio (OR, high vs low tertile): 2.62 [1.44, 4.75] Age at initial pathologic diagnosis of breast cancer, pathologic stage
PPM021271 PGS004891
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
9,868 individuals
PGP000620 |
Sun X et al. Cancer Res (2024)
Reported Trait: Triple negative breast cancer Odds ratio (OR, high vs low tertile): 1.54 [0.92, 2.59] Age at initial pathologic diagnosis of breast cancer, pathologic stage
PPM021272 PGS004892
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
9,868 individuals
PGP000620 |
Sun X et al. Cancer Res (2024)
Reported Trait: Triple negative breast cancer Odds ratio (OR, high vs low tertile): 1.53 [0.92, 2.55] Age at initial pathologic diagnosis of breast cancer, pathologic stage
PPM021275 PGS004895
African Ancestry|
5,821 individuals
PGP000621 |
Gao G et al. Hum Mol Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Estrogen receptor negative breast cancer OR: 1.31 [1.21, 1.43] AUROC: 0.576 [0.553, 0.598] age, consortium/study, and top 10 principal components

Evaluated Samples

PGS Sample Set ID
Phenotype Definitions and Methods Participant Follow-up Time Sample Numbers Age of Study Participants Sample Ancestry Additional Ancestry Description Cohort(s) Additional Sample/Cohort Information
PSS000002 ER-negative breast cancer
  • 5,738 cases
  • , 32,984 controls
European 33 cohorts
  • ,ABCS
  • ,BBCC
  • ,BIGGS
  • ,BSUCH
  • ,CGPS
  • ,CTS
  • ,HMBCS
  • ,KBCP
  • ,LMBC
  • ,MARIE
  • ,MCBCS
  • ,MCCS
  • ,MEC
  • ,NBHS
  • ,NorBCS
  • ,OBCS
  • ,ORIGO
  • ,OSU
  • ,PBCS
  • ,RPCI
  • ,SBCS
  • ,SZBCS
  • ,UKBGS
  • ,pKARMA
PSS009919 2,559 individuals,
0.0 % Male samples
Mean = 54.0 years
Sd = 8.4 years
Not reported NR AMDTSS
PSS000363 Defined intrinsic-like breast cancer subtypes based on tumor status of ER, PR, HER2 and grade: (5) triple-negative ( ER-, PR-, HER2-). 
  • 2,006 cases
  • , 20,815 controls
0.0 % Male samples
European 6 cohorts
  • BCAC
  • ,MMHS
  • ,PLCO
  • ,UKBGS
  • ,pKARMA
Heldout subset (20%) of the BCAC consortium data
  • 26,798 cases
  • , 26,127 controls
0.0 % Male samples
European 11 cohorts
  • CPS
  • ,CPSII
  • ,CTS
  • ,MCBCS
  • ,MEC
  • ,MMHS
  • ,NHS
  • ,WCHS
  • ,WHI
  • ,WWHS
PSS000006 ER-negative breast cancer cases
  • 1,259 cases
  • , 10,169 controls
0.0 % Male samples
European 10 cohorts
  • AHS
  • ,BGS
  • ,EPIC
  • ,KARMA
  • ,NHS
  • ,NHS2
  • ,PLCO
Prospective Test Set
PSS009925 295 individuals,
0.0 % Male samples
Not reported IARC
  • 9,473 cases
  • , 9,462 controls
0.0 % Male samples
European 59 cohorts
  • ,BCFR-NY
  • ,BCFR-PA
  • ,BMBSA
  • ,CNIO
  • ,COH
  • ,CopBCS
  • ,DFCI
  • ,DKFZ
  • ,FCCC
  • ,G-FaST
  • ,GC-HBOC
  • ,GEMO
  • ,Georgetown
  • ,HCSC
  • ,HEBCS
  • ,HEBON
  • ,HUVH
  • ,ICO
  • ,IHCC
  • ,KUMC
  • ,LUHR
  • ,MAYO
  • ,MSKCC
  • ,MUV
  • ,NC-BCFR
  • ,NCI
  • ,NICCC
  • ,NNPIO
  • ,NSUHS
  • ,OCGN
  • ,OFBCR
  • ,OUH
  • ,PiBCS
  • ,UC
  • ,UCLA
  • ,UCSF
  • ,UPENN
  • ,UPITT
  • ,VFCTG
  • ,WCRI
  • ,kConFab
  • 3,263 cases
  • , 10,138 controls
0.0 % Male samples
European 59 cohorts
  • ,BCFR-NY
  • ,BCFR-PA
  • ,BMBSA
  • ,CNIO
  • ,COH
  • ,CopBCS
  • ,DFCI
  • ,DKFZ
  • ,FCCC
  • ,G-FaST
  • ,GC-HBOC
  • ,GEMO
  • ,Georgetown
  • ,HCSC
  • ,HEBCS
  • ,HEBON
  • ,HUVH
  • ,ICO
  • ,IHCC
  • ,KUMC
  • ,LUHR
  • ,MAYO
  • ,MSKCC
  • ,MUV
  • ,NC-BCFR
  • ,NCI
  • ,NICCC
  • ,NNPIO
  • ,NSUHS
  • ,OCGN
  • ,OFBCR
  • ,OUH
  • ,PiBCS
  • ,UC
  • ,UCLA
  • ,UCSF
  • ,UPENN
  • ,UPITT
  • ,VFCTG
  • ,WCRI
  • ,kConFab
  • 1,025 cases
  • , 12,376 controls
0.0 % Male samples
European 59 cohorts
  • ,BCFR-NY
  • ,BCFR-PA
  • ,BMBSA
  • ,CNIO
  • ,COH
  • ,CopBCS
  • ,DFCI
  • ,DKFZ
  • ,FCCC
  • ,G-FaST
  • ,GC-HBOC
  • ,GEMO
  • ,Georgetown
  • ,HCSC
  • ,HEBCS
  • ,HEBON
  • ,HUVH
  • ,ICO
  • ,IHCC
  • ,KUMC
  • ,LUHR
  • ,MAYO
  • ,MSKCC
  • ,MUV
  • ,NC-BCFR
  • ,NCI
  • ,NICCC
  • ,NNPIO
  • ,NSUHS
  • ,OCGN
  • ,OFBCR
  • ,OUH
  • ,PiBCS
  • ,UC
  • ,UCLA
  • ,UCSF
  • ,UPENN
  • ,UPITT
  • ,VFCTG
  • ,WCRI
  • ,kConFab
  • 6,332 cases
  • , 6,007 controls
0.0 % Male samples
European 59 cohorts
  • ,BCFR-NY
  • ,BCFR-PA
  • ,BMBSA
  • ,CNIO
  • ,COH
  • ,CopBCS
  • ,DFCI
  • ,DKFZ
  • ,FCCC
  • ,G-FaST
  • ,GC-HBOC
  • ,GEMO
  • ,Georgetown
  • ,HCSC
  • ,HEBCS
  • ,HEBON
  • ,HUVH
  • ,ICO
  • ,IHCC
  • ,KUMC
  • ,LUHR
  • ,MAYO
  • ,MSKCC
  • ,MUV
  • ,NC-BCFR
  • ,NCI
  • ,NICCC
  • ,NNPIO
  • ,NSUHS
  • ,OCGN
  • ,OFBCR
  • ,OUH
  • ,PiBCS
  • ,UC
  • ,UCLA
  • ,UCSF
  • ,UPENN
  • ,UPITT
  • ,VFCTG
  • ,WCRI
  • ,kConFab
  • 703 cases
  • , 8,049 controls
0.0 % Male samples
European 59 cohorts
  • ,BCFR-NY
  • ,BCFR-PA
  • ,BMBSA
  • ,CNIO
  • ,COH
  • ,CopBCS
  • ,DFCI
  • ,DKFZ
  • ,FCCC
  • ,G-FaST
  • ,GC-HBOC
  • ,GEMO
  • ,Georgetown
  • ,HCSC
  • ,HEBCS
  • ,HEBON
  • ,HUVH
  • ,ICO
  • ,IHCC
  • ,KUMC
  • ,LUHR
  • ,MAYO
  • ,MSKCC
  • ,MUV
  • ,NC-BCFR
  • ,NCI
  • ,NICCC
  • ,NNPIO
  • ,NSUHS
  • ,OCGN
  • ,OFBCR
  • ,OUH
  • ,PiBCS
  • ,UC
  • ,UCLA
  • ,UCSF
  • ,UPENN
  • ,UPITT
  • ,VFCTG
  • ,WCRI
  • ,kConFab
  • 2,312 cases
  • , 6,440 controls
0.0 % Male samples
European 59 cohorts
  • ,BCFR-NY
  • ,BCFR-PA
  • ,BMBSA
  • ,CNIO
  • ,COH
  • ,CopBCS
  • ,DFCI
  • ,DKFZ
  • ,FCCC
  • ,G-FaST
  • ,GC-HBOC
  • ,GEMO
  • ,Georgetown
  • ,HCSC
  • ,HEBCS
  • ,HEBON
  • ,HUVH
  • ,ICO
  • ,IHCC
  • ,KUMC
  • ,LUHR
  • ,MAYO
  • ,MSKCC
  • ,MUV
  • ,NC-BCFR
  • ,NCI
  • ,NICCC
  • ,NNPIO
  • ,NSUHS
  • ,OCGN
  • ,OFBCR
  • ,OUH
  • ,PiBCS
  • ,UC
  • ,UCLA
  • ,UCSF
  • ,UPENN
  • ,UPITT
  • ,VFCTG
  • ,WCRI
  • ,kConFab
PSS000529 Eligibility was restricted to female BRCA1 and BRCA2 carriers who at completion of the baseline questionnaire were free of any cancer diagnosis (excluding non-melanoma skin cancer) and had not undergone risk-reducing bilateral mastectomy. Participants diagosed with a first breast cancer were considered affected.
  • 297 cases
  • , 1,791 controls
0.0 % Male samples
European 61 cohorts
  • BCFR
  • ,BCFR-AU
  • ,BCFR-NY
  • ,BCFR-PA
  • ,BMBSA
  • ,CNIO
  • ,COH
  • ,CopBCS
  • ,DFCI
  • ,DKFZ
  • ,FCCC
  • ,G-FaST
  • ,GC-HBOC
  • ,GEMO
  • ,Georgetown
  • ,HCSC
  • ,HEBCS
  • ,HEBON
  • ,HUVH
  • ,IBCCS
  • ,ICO
  • ,IHCC
  • ,KUMC
  • ,LUHR
  • ,MAYO
  • ,MSKCC
  • ,MUV
  • ,NC-BCFR
  • ,NCI
  • ,NICCC
  • ,NNPIO
  • ,NSUHS
  • ,OCGN
  • ,OFBCR
  • ,OUH
  • ,PiBCS
  • ,UC
  • ,UCLA
  • ,UCSF
  • ,UPENN
  • ,UPITT
  • ,VFCTG
  • ,WCRI
  • ,kConFab
PSS000484 Women (European Ancestry) diagnosed with unilateral breast cancer or metachronous contralateral breast cancer (CBC). Metachronous contralateral breast cancer was defined as breast cancer in the contralateral breast (in situ or invasive) diagnosed at least 3 months after the first breast cancer. Median = 8.4 years
  • 1,027 cases
  • , 55,041 controls
0.0 % Male samples
Median (Age At Diagnosis) = 56.0 years European 42 cohorts
  • ,ABCS
  • ,ABCS-F
  • ,ABCTB
  • ,AOCS
  • ,BBCC
  • ,BCFR-PA
  • ,BIGGS
  • ,BSUCH
  • ,CCGP
  • ,CGPS
  • ,GC-HBOC
  • ,HCSC
  • ,HEBCS
  • ,KARMA
  • ,LMBC
  • ,MABCS
  • ,MARIE
  • ,MBCSG
  • ,MCBCS
  • ,MEC
  • ,MISS
  • ,NBCS
  • ,NC-BCFR
  • ,OBCS
  • ,OFBCR
  • ,ORIGO
  • ,PBCS
  • ,POSH
  • ,RBCS
  • ,SBCS
  • ,SZBCS
  • ,kConFab
  • ,pKARMA
PSS000486 Women (European Ancestry) diagnosed with unilateral breast cancer or metachronous contralateral breast cancer (CBC). Metachronous contralateral breast cancer was defined as breast cancer in the contralateral breast (in situ or invasive) diagnosed at least 3 months after the first breast cancer. Median = 8.4 years
  • 923 cases
  • , 55,145 controls
0.0 % Male samples
Median (Age At Diagnosis) = 56.0 years European 42 cohorts
  • ,ABCS
  • ,ABCS-F
  • ,ABCTB
  • ,AOCS
  • ,BBCC
  • ,BCFR-PA
  • ,BIGGS
  • ,BSUCH
  • ,CCGP
  • ,CGPS
  • ,GC-HBOC
  • ,HCSC
  • ,HEBCS
  • ,KARMA
  • ,LMBC
  • ,MABCS
  • ,MARIE
  • ,MBCSG
  • ,MCBCS
  • ,MEC
  • ,MISS
  • ,NBCS
  • ,NC-BCFR
  • ,OBCS
  • ,OFBCR
  • ,ORIGO
  • ,PBCS
  • ,POSH
  • ,RBCS
  • ,SBCS
  • ,SZBCS
  • ,kConFab
  • ,pKARMA
PSS000974 Cases are individuals with breast cancer. 1380 of these are male breast cancer cases and 1671 are female breast cancer cases
  • 3,051 cases
  • , 2,663 controls
48.07 % Male samples
European B58C, COH, UK-BCN-MBCS, UKBGS Additional male breast cancer cases were recruited from the University of Leeds, the University of Cambridge.
PSS000995 Cases are women with breast cancer. Of the 4414 breast cancer cases, 2470 were ER-positive and 1372 were ER-negative.
  • 4,414 cases
  • , 5,128 controls
0.0 % Male samples
African American or Afro-Caribbean 10 cohorts
  • BWHS
  • ,CARE
  • ,CBCS
  • ,MEC
  • ,NBHS
  • ,NC-BCFR
  • ,PLCO
  • ,SFBCS
  • ,WCHS
  • ,WFBC
All cohorts part of African American Breast Cancer (AABC) consortium and/or The African American Breast Cancer Epidemiology and Risk (AMBER)consortium.
PSS000995 Cases are women with breast cancer. Of the 3928 breast cancer cases, 1533 were ER-positive and 987 were ER-negative.
  • 3,928 cases
  • , 3,435 controls
0.0 % Male samples
Mean = 47.71 years African American or Afro-Caribbean, Sub-Saharan African, African unspecified 15 cohorts
  • ,BBCS
  • ,BNCS
  • ,CCPS
  • ,MEC
  • ,NBHS
  • ,NC-BCFR
  • ,NCBCS
  • ,NigBCS
  • ,PLCO
  • ,RVGBC
  • ,SCCS
  • ,USRT
All cohorts part of The GAME-ON OncoArray Consortium or The GWAS of Breast Cancer in the African Diaspora Consortium (ROOT)
PSS000995 Cases are women with breast cancer. Of the 899 breast cancer cases, 296 were ER-positive and 277 were ER-negative.
  • 899 cases
  • , 1,630 controls
0.0 % Male samples
Sub-Saharan African GBHS
PSS011672 The molecular intrinsic subtypes of breast cancer were determined following the strategy of Giovanni's work using the PAM50 classifier in the TCGA-BRCA. Basal-like and luminal-like breast cancer were determined by PAM50.
  • 108 cases
  • , 565 controls
European TCGA
PSS011672 Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) was defined as ER negative, PR negative and HER2 negative. The luminal breast cancer was defined as ER and/or PR positive.
  • 2,321 cases
  • , 6,874 controls
African American or Afro-Caribbean AABCG
  • 2,702 cases
  • , 3,119 controls
Mean = 52.7 years
Sd = 12.7 years
African American or Afro-Caribbean
(African American, African, and African Barbadian)
  • 4,764 cases
  • , 16,483 controls
0.0 % Male samples
Asian unspecified 10 cohorts
  • ACP
  • ,HKBCS
  • ,NagBCS
  • ,SBCGS
  • ,SEBCS
  • ,SGBCC
  • ,TWBCS
  • 1,365 cases
  • , 5,156 controls
0.0 % Male samples
East Asian
  • 336 cases
  • , 1,332 controls
0.0 % Male samples
South East Asian
  • 184 cases
  • , 1,018 controls
0.0 % Male samples
South Asian
PSS003582 All individuals were BRCA2 carriers. BRCA2 pathogenic variants were categorized according to their known or predicted effect on protein function: “class I” included loss-of-function variants expected to yield unstable or no protein; “class II” included variants likely to produce stable mutant proteins. Pathology data were obtained from pathology reviews, medical, pathology or tumor registry records, or immunohistochemical staining of tissue microarrays. All cases were individuals with breast cancer.
  • 244 cases
  • , 933 controls
100.0 % Male samples
European 35 cohorts
  • BCFR
  • ,BCFR-CA
  • ,BCFR-UT
  • ,CNIO
  • ,DKFZ
  • ,FCCC
  • ,G-FaST
  • ,GC-HBOC
  • ,GEMO
  • ,HCSC
  • ,HEBCS
  • ,HEBON
  • ,HVH
  • ,ICO
  • ,ILUH
  • ,MAYO
  • ,MSKCC
  • ,MUV
  • ,NCI
  • ,OCGN
  • ,OUH
  • ,PBCS
  • ,UPENN
  • ,UPITT
  • ,VFCTG
  • ,kConFab
Additional controls were obtained from UCHICAGO
  • 280 cases
  • , 1,212 controls
Asian unspecified CanBCS, LAABC, NC-BCFR
PSS000070 BRCA1 mutation carriers were followed until breast or ovarian cancer diagnosis, bilateral prophylactic mastectomy, or age at last observation whichever occurred first.
  • 7,797 cases
  • , 7,455 controls
0.0 % Male samples
European Some analyses accounted for samples part of the larger cohort with Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry CIMBA Median censoring age (cases) = 40
PSS000071 BRCA2 mutation carriers were followed until breast or ovarian cancer diagnosis, bilateral prophylactic mastectomy, or age at last observation whichever occurred first.
  • 4,330 cases
  • , 3,881 controls
0.0 % Male samples
European Some analyses accounted for samples part of the larger cohort with Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry CIMBA Median censoring age (cases) = 43
PSS000074 Breast and prostate cancer cases were defined on the basis of age at diagnosis, whichever occurred first. If breast and prostate cancer occurred at the same time, individuals were treated as patients with breast cancer.
  • 277 cases
  • , 1,313 controls
100.0 % Male samples
European Self-reported European ancestry 37 cohorts
  • BCFR
  • ,CBCS
  • ,CIMBA
  • ,CNIO
  • ,Chicago
  • ,DKFZ
  • ,FCCC
  • ,G-FaST
  • ,GC-HBOC
  • ,GEMO
  • ,HCSC
  • ,HEBCS
  • ,HEBON
  • ,HVH
  • ,ICO
  • ,ILUH
  • ,MAYO
  • ,MSKCC
  • ,MUV
  • ,NCI
  • ,OCGN
  • ,OSU
  • ,OUH
  • ,PBCS
  • ,UPENN
  • ,UPITT
  • ,VFCTG
  • ,kConFab