Trait: systemic lupus erythematosus

Trait Information
Identifier MONDO_0007915
Description An autoimmune multi-organ disease typically associated with vasculopathy and autoantibody production. Most patients have antinuclear antibodies (ANA). The presence of anti-dsDNA or anti-Smith antibodies are highly-specific. [NCIT: P378]
Trait category
Immune system disorder
Synonyms 12 synonyms
  • Lupus
  • SLE
  • SLE - lupus erythematosus, systemic
  • disseminated lupus erythematosus
  • excess LMW-DNA
  • excess lymphocyte low molecular weight DNA
  • lupus erythematosus, systemic
  • lupus nephritis, susceptibility to
  • systemic lupus erythematosus
  • systemic lupus erythematosus (disease)
  • systemic lupus erythematosus susceptibility to
  • systemic lupus erythematosus, susceptibility to
Mapped terms 15 mapped terms
  • DOID:9074
  • GARD:18695
  • HP:0002725
  • ICD9:710.0
  • MEDGEN:6146
  • MESH:D008180
  • NANDO:1200272
  • NANDO:2200416
  • NCIT:C3201
  • NORD:1380
  • OMIM:152700
  • Orphanet:536
  • SCTID:55464009
  • UMLS:C0024141

Associated Polygenic Score(s)

Filter PGS by Participant Ancestry
Individuals included in:
G - Source of Variant Associations (GWAS)
D - Score Development/Training
E - PGS Evaluation
List of ancestries includes:
Display options:
Ancestry legend
Multi-ancestry (including European)
Multi-ancestry (excluding European)
East Asian
South Asian
Additional Asian Ancestries
Greater Middle Eastern
Hispanic or Latin American
Additional Diverse Ancestries
Not Reported
Polygenic Score ID & Name PGS Publication ID (PGP) Reported Trait Mapped Trait(s) (Ontology) Number of Variants Ancestry distribution
Scoring File (FTP Link)
PGP000081 |
Knevel R et al. Sci Transl Med (2020)
Systemic lupus erythematosus systemic lupus erythematosus 250
PGP000099 |
Reid S et al. Ann Rheum Dis (2019)
Systemic lupus erythematosus systemic lupus erythematosus 57
PGP000160 |
Wang YF et al. Nat Commun (2021)
Systemic lupus erythematosus systemic lupus erythematosus 293,684
PGP000178 |
Chen L et al. Hum Mol Genet (2020)
Systemic lupus erythematosus systemic lupus erythematosus 95
PGP000178 |
Chen L et al. Hum Mol Genet (2020)
Systemic lupus erythematosus systemic lupus erythematosus 95
PGP000192 |
Kawai VK et al. Lupus (2021)
Systemic lupus erythematosus systemic lupus erythematosus 41
PGP000475 |
Kwon YC et al. Arthritis Rheumatol (2023)
Systemic lupus erythematosus systemic lupus erythematosus 122
PGP000475 |
Kwon YC et al. Arthritis Rheumatol (2023)
Systemic lupus erythematosus systemic lupus erythematosus 112
PGP000475 |
Kwon YC et al. Arthritis Rheumatol (2023)
Systemic lupus erythematosus systemic lupus erythematosus 10
PGP000509 |
Barnado A et al. Arthritis Rheumatol (2023)
Systemic lupus erythematosus systemic lupus erythematosus 57
PGP000648 |
Cui J et al. Arthritis Rheumatol (2020)
Systemic lupus erythematosus systemic lupus erythematosus 97

Performance Metrics

Disclaimer: The performance metrics are displayed as reported by the source studies. It is important to note that metrics are not necessarily comparable with each other. For example, metrics depend on the sample characteristics (described by the PGS Catalog Sample Set [PSS] ID), phenotyping, and statistical modelling. Please refer to the source publication for additional guidance on performance.

PGS Performance
Metric ID (PPM)
Evaluated Score PGS Sample Set ID
Performance Source Trait PGS Effect Sizes
(per SD change)
Classification Metrics Other Metrics Covariates Included in the Model PGS Performance:
Other Relevant Information
PPM000579 PGS000196
European Ancestry|
243 individuals
PGP000081 |
Knevel R et al. Sci Transl Med (2020)
Reported Trait: Systemic lupus erythematosus diagnosis in patient with arthritis AUROC: 0.61 [0.27, 0.86] (Setting III: Selecting patients presenting with inflammatory arthritis at their first visit)
PPM000573 PGS000196
European Ancestry|
245 individuals
PGP000081 |
Knevel R et al. Sci Transl Med (2020)
Reported Trait: Systemic lupus erythematosus diagnosis in patient with arthritis AUROC: 0.79 [0.72, 0.85] (Setting II: Assigning patient diagnoses based on medical records)
PPM000567 PGS000196
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
1,211 individuals
PGP000081 |
Knevel R et al. Sci Transl Med (2020)
Reported Trait: Systemic lupus erythematosus diagnosis in patient with arthritis AUROC: 0.74 [0.7, 0.78] (Setting I: Assigning patient diagnoses based on billing codes)
PPM000882 PGS000328
European Ancestry|
15,383 individuals
PGP000099 |
Reid S et al. Ann Rheum Dis (2019)
Reported Trait: Systemic lupus erythematosus AUROC: 0.71 Odds Ratio (OR; highest vs. lowest quartile): 7.48 [6.73, 8.32]
PPM000880 PGS000328
European Ancestry|
3,803 individuals
PGP000099 |
Reid S et al. Ann Rheum Dis (2019)
Reported Trait: Systemic lupus erythematosus AUROC: 0.78 Odds Ratio (OR; highest vs. lowest quartile): 12.32 [9.53, 15.71]
PPM000883 PGS000328
European Ancestry|
3,803 individuals
PGP000099 |
Reid S et al. Ann Rheum Dis (2019)
Reported Trait: Systemic Lupus damage score (SDI) OR: 1.13 [1.03, 1.24] Odds Ratio (OR; highest vs. lowest quartile): 1.47 [1.06, 2.04]
PPM000881 PGS000328
European Ancestry|
1,001 individuals
PGP000099 |
Reid S et al. Ann Rheum Dis (2019)
Reported Trait: Systemic lupus erythematosus (onset before age 20) AUROC: 0.83
PPM000885 PGS000328
European Ancestry|
1,001 individuals
PGP000099 |
Reid S et al. Ann Rheum Dis (2019)
Reported Trait: Nephritis in systemic lupus erythematosus patients Hazard Ratio (HR; highest vs. lowest quartile): 2.53 [1.72, 3.71]
PPM000884 PGS000328
European Ancestry|
3,803 individuals
PGP000099 |
Reid S et al. Ann Rheum Dis (2019)
Reported Trait: Systemic lupus erythematosus (age-at-onset) Hazard Ratio (HR; highest vs. lowest quartile): 1.47 [1.22, 1.75]
PPM001919 PGS000754
East Asian Ancestry|
2,589 individuals
PGP000160 |
Wang YF et al. Nat Commun (2021)
Reported Trait: Systemic lupus erythematosus AUROC: 0.76 [0.74, 0.78]
PPM001920 PGS000754
European Ancestry|
1,340 individuals
PGP000160 |
Wang YF et al. Nat Commun (2021)
Reported Trait: Systemic lupus erythematosus AUROC: 0.65
PPM001921 PGS000754
European Ancestry|
7,733 individuals
PGP000160 |
Wang YF et al. Nat Commun (2021)
Reported Trait: Systemic lupus erythematosus AUROC: 0.65
PPM001922 PGS000754
European Ancestry|
1,112 individuals
PGP000160 |
Wang YF et al. Nat Commun (2021)
Reported Trait: Systemic lupus erythematosus AUROC: 0.62
PPM002076 PGS000754
Additional Asian Ancestries|
3,996 individuals
PGP000188 |
Tangtanatakul P et al. Arthritis Res Ther (2020)
Reported Trait: Systemic lupus erythematosus AUROC: 0.76
PPM001996 PGS000771
European Ancestry|
524 individuals
PGP000178 |
Chen L et al. Hum Mol Genet (2020)
Reported Trait: Renal disease age of onset AUROC: 0.576 [0.518, 0.634] Renal disease is used as a proxy for systemic lupus erythematosus severity
PPM001998 PGS000771
European Ancestry|
524 individuals
PGP000178 |
Chen L et al. Hum Mol Genet (2020)
Reported Trait: Renal disease age of onset Odds Ratio (OR, top 20% vs bottom 20%): 3.155 [1.623, 6.133] Renal disease is used as a proxy for systemic lupus erythematosus severity
PPM001997 PGS000772
European Ancestry|
3,101 individuals
PGP000178 |
Chen L et al. Hum Mol Genet (2020)
Reported Trait: Renal disease Odds Ratio (OR, top 20% vs bottom 20%): 1.578 [1.25, 1.991] Renal disease is used as a proxy for systemic lupus erythematosus severity
PPM002100 PGS000803
European Ancestry|
47,904 individuals
PGP000192 |
Kawai VK et al. Lupus (2021)
Reported Trait: Lupus (localised and systemic) OR: 1.73 [1.62, 1.85]
β: 0.546 (0.034)
PCs(1-5), median age in the electronic health record, sex
PPM002101 PGS000803
European Ancestry|
18,722 individuals
PGP000192 |
Kawai VK et al. Lupus (2021)
Reported Trait: Lupus (localised and systemic) OR: 1.82 [1.66, 2.0] PCs(1-5), median age in the electronic health record, sex
PPM002102 PGS000803
European Ancestry|
47,917 individuals
PGP000192 |
Kawai VK et al. Lupus (2021)
Reported Trait: Systemic lupus erythematosus OR: 1.71 [1.6, 1.82]
β: 0.534 (0.034)
PCs(1-5), median age in the electronic health record, sex
PPM002103 PGS000803
European Ancestry|
18,698 individuals
PGP000192 |
Kawai VK et al. Lupus (2021)
Reported Trait: Systemic lupus erythematosus OR: 1.86 [1.69, 2.04] PCs(1-5), median age in the electronic health record, sex
PPM002104 PGS000803
European Ancestry|
50,429 individuals
PGP000192 |
Kawai VK et al. Lupus (2021)
Reported Trait: Erythematous conditions OR: 1.28 [1.22, 1.34]
β: 0.246 (0.024)
PCs(1-5), median age in the electronic health record, sex
PPM002105 PGS000803
European Ancestry|
21,474 individuals
PGP000192 |
Kawai VK et al. Lupus (2021)
Reported Trait: Erythematous conditions OR: 1.08 [1.04, 1.13] PCs(1-5), median age in the electronic health record, sex
PPM002106 PGS000803
European Ancestry|
47,321 individuals
PGP000192 |
Kawai VK et al. Lupus (2021)
Reported Trait: Cutaneous lupus erythematosus OR: 1.79 [1.54, 2.08]
β: 0.582 (0.078)
PCs(1-5), median age in the electronic health record, sex
PPM002107 PGS000803
European Ancestry|
18,422 individuals
PGP000192 |
Kawai VK et al. Lupus (2021)
Reported Trait: Cutaneous lupus erythematosus OR: 2.02 [1.71, 2.4] PCs(1-5), median age in the electronic health record, sex
PPM002108 PGS000803
European Ancestry|
40,528 individuals
PGP000192 |
Kawai VK et al. Lupus (2021)
Reported Trait: Type 1 diabetes OR: 1.11 [1.06, 1.17]
β: 0.108 (0.024)
PCs(1-5), median age in the electronic health record, sex
PPM002109 PGS000803
European Ancestry|
19,191 individuals
PGP000192 |
Kawai VK et al. Lupus (2021)
Reported Trait: Type 1 diabetes OR: 1.11 [1.05, 1.18] PCs(1-5), median age in the electronic health record, sex
PPM002110 PGS000803
European Ancestry|
40,528 individuals
PGP000192 |
Kawai VK et al. Lupus (2021)
Reported Trait: Type 1 diabetes with renal manifestations OR: 1.41 [1.26, 1.59]
β: 0.346 (0.06)
PCs(1-5), median age in the electronic health record, sex
PPM002111 PGS000803
European Ancestry|
19,191 individuals
PGP000192 |
Kawai VK et al. Lupus (2021)
Reported Trait: Type 1 diabetes with renal manifestations OR: 1.38 [1.19, 1.6] PCs(1-5), median age in the electronic health record, sex
PPM002112 PGS000803
European Ancestry|
40,528 individuals
PGP000192 |
Kawai VK et al. Lupus (2021)
Reported Trait: Type 1 diabetes with opthalmic manifestations OR: 1.32 [1.16, 1.5]
β: 0.275 (0.065)
PCs(1-5), median age in the electronic health record, sex
PPM002113 PGS000803
European Ancestry|
19,191 individuals
PGP000192 |
Kawai VK et al. Lupus (2021)
Reported Trait: Type 1 diabetes with opthalmic manifestations OR: 1.34 [1.18, 1.52] PCs(1-5), median age in the electronic health record, sex
PPM002114 PGS000803
European Ancestry|
40,528 individuals
PGP000192 |
Kawai VK et al. Lupus (2021)
Reported Trait: Type 1 diabetes with neurological manifestations OR: 1.16 [1.06, 1.28]
β: 0.151 (0.047)
PCs(1-5), median age in the electronic health record, sex
PPM018525 PGS003755
East Asian Ancestry|
1,655 individuals
PGP000475 |
Kwon YC et al. Arthritis Rheumatol (2023)
Reported Trait: Class III/IV lupus nephritis in anti-sm positive systemic lupus erythematosus AUROC: 0.582 [0.496, 0.668]
PPM018519 PGS003755
East Asian Ancestry|
1,655 individuals
PGP000475 |
Kwon YC et al. Arthritis Rheumatol (2023)
Reported Trait: Childhood-onset systemic lupus erythematosus (onset at age <16 years) p: 6.80e-08
PPM018520 PGS003755
East Asian Ancestry|
1,655 individuals
PGP000475 |
Kwon YC et al. Arthritis Rheumatol (2023)
Reported Trait: Number of American College of Rheumatology (ACR) criteria for systemic lupus erythematosus β: 0.143 [0.078, 0.208] Onset age, sex, disease duration, and top 4 principal components
PPM018523 PGS003755
East Asian Ancestry|
1,655 individuals
PGP000475 |
Kwon YC et al. Arthritis Rheumatol (2023)
Reported Trait: Renal disorder β: 1.22 [1.12, 1.33] Onset age, sex, disease duration, and top 4 principal components
PPM018524 PGS003755
East Asian Ancestry|
1,655 individuals
PGP000475 |
Kwon YC et al. Arthritis Rheumatol (2023)
Reported Trait: Production of anti-Sm antibody β: 1.23 [1.11, 1.36] Onset age, sex, disease duration, and top 4 principal components
PPM018526 PGS003755
East Asian Ancestry|
1,655 individuals
PGP000475 |
Kwon YC et al. Arthritis Rheumatol (2023)
Reported Trait: Class V lupus nephritis in anti-sm positive systemic lupus erythematosus AUROC: 0.681 [0.602, 0.76]
PPM018521 PGS003756
East Asian Ancestry|
1,655 individuals
PGP000475 |
Kwon YC et al. Arthritis Rheumatol (2023)
Reported Trait: Number of American College of Rheumatology (ACR) criteria for systemic lupus erythematosus β: 0.133 [0.071, 0.194] Onset age, sex, disease duration, and top 4 principal components
PPM018522 PGS003757
East Asian Ancestry|
1,655 individuals
PGP000475 |
Kwon YC et al. Arthritis Rheumatol (2023)
Reported Trait: Number of American College of Rheumatology (ACR) criteria for systemic lupus erythematosus β: 0.213 [0.079, 0.347] Onset age, sex, disease duration, and top 4 principal components
PPM019115 PGS003960
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
3,048 individuals
PGP000509 |
Barnado A et al. Arthritis Rheumatol (2023)
Reported Trait: Systemic lupus erythematosus AUROC: 0.65 [0.63, 0.67]
PPM019116 PGS003960
European Ancestry|
1,994 individuals
PGP000509 |
Barnado A et al. Arthritis Rheumatol (2023)
Reported Trait: Systemic lupus erythematosus AUROC: 0.63 [0.6, 0.66]
PPM019117 PGS003960
African Ancestry|
902 individuals
PGP000509 |
Barnado A et al. Arthritis Rheumatol (2023)
Reported Trait: Systemic lupus erythematosus AUROC: 0.5 [0.44, 0.56]
PPM019118 PGS003960
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
3,048 individuals
PGP000509 |
Barnado A et al. Arthritis Rheumatol (2023)
Reported Trait: Systemic lupus erythematosus AUROC: 0.89 [0.87, 0.9] phenotype risk score
PPM019119 PGS003960
European Ancestry|
1,994 individuals
PGP000509 |
Barnado A et al. Arthritis Rheumatol (2023)
Reported Trait: Systemic lupus erythematosus AUROC: 0.87 [0.85, 0.89] phenotype risk score
PPM019120 PGS003960
African Ancestry|
902 individuals
PGP000509 |
Barnado A et al. Arthritis Rheumatol (2023)
Reported Trait: Systemic lupus erythematosus AUROC: 0.89 [0.86, 0.93] phenotype risk score
PPM021383 PGS004917
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
3,945 individuals
PGP000648 |
Cui J et al. Arthritis Rheumatol (2020)
Reported Trait: Systemic lupus erythematosus OR: 2.01 [1.83, 2.22]
β: 0.7 (0.05)
AUROC: 0.696

Evaluated Samples

PGS Sample Set ID
Phenotype Definitions and Methods Participant Follow-up Time Sample Numbers Age of Study Participants Sample Ancestry Additional Ancestry Description Cohort(s) Additional Sample/Cohort Information
PSS001027 Cases were individuals with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). All cases were carefully recruited regarding the criteria from the American College of Rheumatology (ACR). Controls included healthy individuals and individuals who had unrelated diseases including: breast cancer, periodontitis, tuberculosis, drug-induced liver injury, epileptic encephalopathy, dengue hemorrhagic fever, thalassemia, and cardiomyopathy.
  • 826 cases
  • , 3,170 controls
40.31 % Male samples
South East Asian
NR Cases were recruited from King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital and the Rheumatology clinic at Ramathbodi hospital. Control data was provided by the Department of Medical Science, Min- istry of Public Health, Thailand.
PSS000960 Cases were individuals with systemic lupus erythematosus.
  • 910 cases
  • , 430 controls
European NR
PSS000961 Cases were individuals with systemic lupus erythematosus.
  • 2,354 cases
  • , 5,379 controls
European NR
PSS000962 Cases were individuals with systemic lupus erythematosus.
  • 406 cases
  • , 706 controls
European NR
PSS000963 Cases were individuals with systemic lupus erythematosus.
  • 1,604 cases
  • , 985 controls
East Asian
(Han Chinese)
PSS001034 Cases were individuals with cutaneous lupus erythematosus. Cases were identified by extracting clinical diagnoses from the electronic health record using the 9th and 10th International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD) Clinical Modification (CM) codes that mapped to the phenotype and transformed these ICD9/ICD10 codes into phecodes, which aggregate one or more related ICD codes into distinct diseases or traits. For each phenotype, cases were defined as individuals with 2 or more instances of the specific phecode in the electronic health record. Phecodes for lupus related disorders (systemic and cutaneous) include: 695.4, 695.41, 696.42.
  • 161 cases
  • , 47,160 controls
European BioVU
PSS000318 Setting II: Based on ICD codes and review of medical records from Partners HealthCare Biobank; controls = other non-matching arthritis diseases Median = 8.0 years
  • 62 cases
  • , 183 controls
32.0 % Male samples
European PHB
PSS000319 Setting III: Based on ICD codes and final diagnosis in medical records from Partners HealthCare Biobank; controls = other non-matching arthritis diseases Median = 7.0 years
  • 7 cases
  • , 236 controls
32.0 % Male samples
European PHB
PSS001035 Cases were individuals with systemic lupus erythematosus. Cases were identified by extracting clinical diagnoses from the electronic health record using the 9th and 10th International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD) Clinical Modification (CM) codes that mapped to the phenotype and transformed these ICD9/ICD10 codes into phecodes, which aggregate one or more related ICD codes into distinct diseases or traits. For each phenotype, cases were defined as individuals with 2 or more instances of the specific phecode in the electronic health record. Phecodes for lupus related disorders (systemic and cutaneous) include: 695.4, 695.41, 696.42.
  • 880 cases
  • , 47,037 controls
European BioVU
PSS001038 Cases were individuals with lupus (localised and systemic). Cases were identified by extracting clinical diagnoses from the electronic health record using the 9th and 10th International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD) Clinical Modification (CM) codes that mapped to the phenotype and transformed these ICD9/ICD10 codes into phecodes, which aggregate one or more related ICD codes into distinct diseases or traits. For each phenotype, cases were defined as individuals with 2 or more instances of the specific phecode in the electronic health record. Phecodes for lupus related disorders (systemic and cutaneous) include: 695.4, 695.41, 696.42.
  • 867 cases
  • , 47,037 controls
European BioVU
PSS001037 Cases were individuals with erythematosus conditions. Cases were identified by extracting clinical diagnoses from the electronic health record using the 9th and 10th International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD) Clinical Modification (CM) codes that mapped to the phenotype and transformed these ICD9/ICD10 codes into phecodes, which aggregate one or more related ICD codes into distinct diseases or traits. For each phenotype, cases were defined as individuals with 2 or more instances of the specific phecode in the electronic health record. Phecodes for lupus related disorders (systemic and cutaneous) include: 695.4, 695.41, 696.42.
  • 1,916 cases
  • , 48,513 controls
European BioVU
PSS001040 Cases were individuals with systemic lupus erythematosus. Cases were identified by extracting clinical diagnoses from the electronic health record using the 9th and 10th International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD) Clinical Modification (CM) codes that mapped to the phenotype and transformed these ICD9/ICD10 codes into phecodes, which aggregate one or more related ICD codes into distinct diseases or traits. For each phenotype, cases were defined as individuals with 2 or more instances of the specific phecode in the electronic health record. Phecodes for lupus related disorders (systemic and cutaneous) include: 695.4, 695.41, 696.42.
  • 393 cases
  • , 18,305 controls
European eMERGE
PSS000324 Setting I: Based on ICD codes and expert opinion (ACR2010 criteria), in eMERGE network EMR database from Stanaway 2018; controls = other non-matching arthritis diseases Median = 16.0 years
  • 133 cases
  • , 1,078 controls
43.0 % Male samples
European, African unspecified, Asian unspecified, NR Primarily European, African and Asian ancestry eMERGE
PSS001042 Cases were individuals with erythematosus conditions. Cases were identified by extracting clinical diagnoses from the electronic health record using the 9th and 10th International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD) Clinical Modification (CM) codes that mapped to the phenotype and transformed these ICD9/ICD10 codes into phecodes, which aggregate one or more related ICD codes into distinct diseases or traits. For each phenotype, cases were defined as individuals with 2 or more instances of the specific phecode in the electronic health record. Phecodes for lupus related disorders (systemic and cutaneous) include: 695.4, 695.41, 696.42.
  • 3,029 cases
  • , 18,445 controls
European eMERGE
PSS001043 Cases were individuals with lupus (localised and systemic). Cases were identified by extracting clinical diagnoses from the electronic health record using the 9th and 10th International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD) Clinical Modification (CM) codes that mapped to the phenotype and transformed these ICD9/ICD10 codes into phecodes, which aggregate one or more related ICD codes into distinct diseases or traits.For each phenotype, cases were defined as individuals with 2 or more instances of the specific phecode in the electronic health record.Phecodes for lupus related disorders (systemic and cutaneous) include: 695.4, 695.41, 696.42.
  • 418 cases
  • , 18,304 controls
European eMERGE
PSS001039 Cases were individuals with cutaneous lupus erythematosus. Cases were identified by extracting clinical diagnoses from the electronic health record using the 9th and 10th International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD) Clinical Modification (CM) codes that mapped to the phenotype and transformed these ICD9/ICD10 codes into phecodes, which aggregate one or more related ICD codes into distinct diseases or traits. For each phenotype, cases were defined as individuals with 2 or more instances of the specific phecode in the electronic health record. Phecodes for lupus related disorders (systemic and cutaneous) include: 695.4, 695.41, 696.42.
  • 120 cases
  • , 18,302 controls
European eMERGE
PSS001036 Cases were individuals with type 1 diabetes. Cases were identified by extracting clinical diagnoses from the electronic health record using the 9th and 10th International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD) Clinical Modification (CM) codes that mapped to the phenotype and transformed these ICD9/ICD10 codes into phecodes, which aggregate one or more related ICD codes into distinct diseases or traits. For each phenotype, cases were defined as individuals with 2 or more instances of the specific phecode in the electronic health record. Phecodes for type 1 diabetes include: 250.1. Of all the type 1 diabetes cases, 276 had renal manifestations, 240 had ophthalmic manifestations and 475 had neurological manifestations
  • 1,881 cases
  • , 38,647 controls
European BioVU
PSS001041 Cases were individuals with type 1 diabetes. Cases were identified by extracting clinical diagnoses from the electronic health record using the 9th and 10th International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD) Clinical Modification (CM) codes that mapped to the phenotype and transformed these ICD9/ICD10 codes into phecodes, which aggregate one or more related ICD codes into distinct diseases or traits. For each phenotype, cases were defined as individuals with 2 or more instances of the specific phecode in the electronic health record. Phecodes for type 1 diabetes include: 250.1. Of the type 1 diabetes cases 165 had renal manifestations, 230 had ophthalmic manifestations and 218 had neurological manifestations.
  • 1,156 cases
  • , 18,035 controls
European eMERGE
PSS011006 1,655 individuals,
8.4 % Male samples
Mean = 38.1 years
Sd = 12.5 years
East Asian
  • 615 cases
  • , 1,379 controls
European BioVU
  • 134 cases
  • , 768 controls
African unspecified BioVU
  • 15 cases
  • , 45 controls
Asian unspecified BioVU
  • 23 cases
  • , 67 controls
Not reported BioVU
  • 134 cases
  • , 768 controls
African unspecified BioVU
  • 615 cases
  • , 1,379 controls
European BioVU
PSS011718 Those indicating having received a new systemic lupus erythematosus diagnosis were asked to complete the Connective Tissue Disease Screening Question- naire (12) and to consent to the release of their medical records. Released medical records of all nurses who indicated experi- encing systemic lupus erythematosus symptoms on this questionnaire were independently reviewed by 3 board-certified rheumatologists (EWK, JAS, and KHC). Cases of systemic lupus erythematosus were identified based on the presence of at least 4 criteria from the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) 1997 updated criteria for the classification of SLE and also based on reviewers' consensus.
  • 138 cases
  • , 1,136 controls
0.0 % Male samples
European, Not reported European (98%) NHS, NHS2
PSS011718 All patients diagnosed as having systemic lupus erythematosus in the PHB and included in this study met at least 4 of the 11 ACR 1997 updated classification criteria for systemic lupus erythematosus . Cases were identified as those individuals previously included in the Brigham and Women's Hospital Lupus Registry or those with ≥3 Interna- tional Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision (ICD-9)/ICD-10 codes for systemic lupus erythematosus , each noted ≥30 days apart, followed by medical record review to identify the presence of any of the ACR 1997 criteria for systemic lupus erythematosus.
  • 535 cases
  • , 2,136 controls
9.7 % Male samples
European, Asian unspecified, African unspecified, Not reported European (68.1%), Asian (4.9%), African (14.2%), Not reported (12.8%) PHB
PSS000993 All individuals had systemic lupus erythematosus. Cases are individuals that also have renal disease
  • 1,152 cases
  • , 1,949 controls
European NR
PSS000994 All individuals had systemic lupus erythematosus. Cases are individuals that also have renal disease
  • 146 cases
  • , 378 controls
European NR Cases and controls obtained by SLEGEN.
PSS000436 The discovery cohort included 1001 patients from the University clinics in Uppsala, Linköping, Karolinska Institute (Stockholm), Lund, and from the four northern-most counties in Sweden. All subjects fulfilled ≥4 ACR-82 classification criteria for SLE and were of European descent.30 Clinical data were collected from the patients’ medical files, including SDI scores, the ACR-82 classification criteria, clinical antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) diagnosis, glomerular filtration rate, chronic kidney disease (CKD) stages, ESRD, renal biopsy data and CVE, defined as myocardial infarction, ischaemic cerebrovascular disease or venous thromboembolism (VTE). Control individuals were healthy blood donors from Uppsala (Uppsala Bioresource) and Lund or population based controls from Stockholm and the four northernmost counties of Sweden.
  • 1,001 cases
  • , 2,802 controls
European Karolinska, UHU The discovery cohort included 1001 patients from the University clinics in Uppsala, Linköping, Karolinska Institute (Stockholm), Lund, and from the four northern-most counties in Sweden
PSS000437 The discovery cohort included 1001 patients from the University clinics in Uppsala, Linköping, Karolinska Institute (Stockholm), Lund, and from the four northern-most counties in Sweden. All subjects fulfilled ≥4 ACR-82 classification criteria for SLE and were of European descent.30 Clinical data were collected from the patients’ medical files, including SDI scores, the ACR-82 classification criteria, clinical antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) diagnosis, glomerular filtration rate, chronic kidney disease (CKD) stages, ESRD, renal biopsy data and CVE, defined as myocardial infarction, ischaemic cerebrovascular disease or venous thromboembolism (VTE).
  • 1,001 cases
  • , 0 controls
European Karolinska, UHU The discovery cohort included 1001 patients from the University clinics in Uppsala, Linköping, Karolinska Institute (Stockholm), Lund, and from the four northern-most counties in Sweden
  • 5,524 cases
  • , 9,859 controls
European NR The replication cohort is described in Langefeld et al. (PMID:28714469)