Trait: hematologic disease

Experimental Factor Ontology (EFO) Information
Identifier EFO_0005803
Description A disease involving the hematopoietic system.
Trait category
Other disease
Synonyms 31 synonyms
  • Hematologic Diseases
  • blood disease
  • blood disorder
  • blood dyscrasia
  • disease of haematopoietic system
  • disease of hematopoietic system
  • disease of the blood and blood-forming organs
  • disease or disorder of haematopoietic system
  • disease or disorder of hematopoietic system
  • disorder of haematopoietic system
  • disorder of hematopoietic system
  • haematological disease
  • haematological disorder
  • haematological disorders and malignancies
  • haematological system disease
  • haematological system disorder
  • haematopoietic disease
  • haematopoietic system disease
  • haematopoietic system disease or disorder
  • hematologic and lymphocytic disorder
  • hematologic disease
  • hematologic disorder
  • hematological disease
  • hematological disorder
  • hematological disorders and malignancies
  • hematological system disease
  • hematological system disorder
  • hematopoietic disease
  • hematopoietic system disease
  • hematopoietic system disease or disorder
  • rare hematologic disease
Mapped terms 16 mapped terms
  • DOID:74
  • GTR:AN1320635
  • ICD10:D75
  • ICD10CM:D50-D89
  • ICD9:280-289.99
  • ICD9:289.8
  • ICD9:289.9
  • MESH:D006402
  • MONDO:0005570
  • MeSH:D006402
  • NANDO:1100006
  • NANDO:2100175
  • NCIT:C26323
  • Orphanet:97992
  • SCTID:414022008
  • UMLS:C0018939
Child trait(s) 15 child traits

Associated Polygenic Score(s)

Filter PGS by Participant Ancestry
Individuals included in:
G - Source of Variant Associations (GWAS)
D - Score Development/Training
E - PGS Evaluation
List of ancestries includes:
Display options:
Ancestry legend
Multi-ancestry (including European)
Multi-ancestry (excluding European)
East Asian
South Asian
Additional Asian Ancestries
Greater Middle Eastern
Hispanic or Latin American
Additional Diverse Ancestries
Not Reported
Note: This table shows all PGS for "hematologic disease" and any child terms of this trait in the EFO hierarchy by default.
Polygenic Score ID & Name PGS Publication ID (PGP) Reported Trait Mapped Trait(s) (Ontology) Number of Variants Ancestry distribution
Scoring File (FTP Link)
PGP000050 |
Graff RE et al. Nat Commun (2021)
Lymphocytic leukemia lymphoid leukemia 75
PGP000050 |
Graff RE et al. Nat Commun (2021)
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma non-Hodgkins lymphoma 19
PGP000118 |
Fritsche LG et al. Am J Hum Genet (2020)
Hodgkin's disease Hodgkins lymphoma 1,047,511
PGP000118 |
Fritsche LG et al. Am J Hum Genet (2020)
Hodgkin's disease Hodgkins lymphoma 16
PGP000118 |
Fritsche LG et al. Am J Hum Genet (2020)
Hodgkin's disease Hodgkins lymphoma 20
PGP000118 |
Fritsche LG et al. Am J Hum Genet (2020)
Hodgkin's disease Hodgkins lymphoma 1,119,335
PGP000118 |
Fritsche LG et al. Am J Hum Genet (2020)
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma non-Hodgkins lymphoma 12
PGP000118 |
Fritsche LG et al. Am J Hum Genet (2020)
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma non-Hodgkins lymphoma 10
PGP000118 |
Fritsche LG et al. Am J Hum Genet (2020)
Nodular lymphoma follicular lymphoma 1,048,780
PGP000118 |
Fritsche LG et al. Am J Hum Genet (2020)
Nodular lymphoma follicular lymphoma 2,209,179
PGP000118 |
Fritsche LG et al. Am J Hum Genet (2020)
Lymphoid leukemia lymphoid leukemia 6
PGP000118 |
Fritsche LG et al. Am J Hum Genet (2020)
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia chronic lymphocytic leukemia 32
PGP000118 |
Fritsche LG et al. Am J Hum Genet (2020)
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia chronic lymphocytic leukemia 32
PGP000118 |
Fritsche LG et al. Am J Hum Genet (2020)
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia chronic lymphocytic leukemia 44
PGP000118 |
Fritsche LG et al. Am J Hum Genet (2020)
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia chronic lymphocytic leukemia 27
PGP000118 |
Fritsche LG et al. Am J Hum Genet (2020)
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia chronic lymphocytic leukemia 6
PGP000118 |
Fritsche LG et al. Am J Hum Genet (2020)
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia chronic lymphocytic leukemia 76
PGP000118 |
Fritsche LG et al. Am J Hum Genet (2020)
Multiple myeloma multiple myeloma 27
PGP000118 |
Fritsche LG et al. Am J Hum Genet (2020)
Multiple myeloma multiple myeloma 22
PGP000118 |
Fritsche LG et al. Am J Hum Genet (2020)
Multiple myeloma multiple myeloma 21
PGP000186 |
Kachuri L et al. Nat Commun (2020)
Lymphocytic leukemia lymphoid leukemia 75
PGP000186 |
Kachuri L et al. Nat Commun (2020)
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma non-Hodgkins lymphoma 19
PGP000220 |
Kleinstern G et al. Blood (2018)
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia chronic lymphocytic leukemia 41
PGP000244 |
Tanigawa Y et al. PLoS Genet (2022)
Other coagulation defects (time-to-event) blood coagulation disease 1
PGP000244 |
Tanigawa Y et al. PLoS Genet (2022)
Hematologic disease, genetic hematologic disease 30
PGP000244 |
Tanigawa Y et al. PLoS Genet (2022)
Vitamin B12 deficiency induced anemia (time-to-event) vitamin B12 deficiency,
PGP000263 |
Privé F et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Polycythemia vera polycythemia vera 67
PGP000263 |
Privé F et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Congenital deficiency of other clotting factors (including factor VII) congenital vitamin K-dependent coagulation factors deficiency 45
PGP000263 |
Privé F et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Rhesus isoimmunization in pregnancy Rh isoimmunization 30
PGP000263 |
Privé F et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Congenital deficiency of other clotting factors (including factor VII) congenital vitamin K-dependent coagulation factors deficiency 32,552
PGP000263 |
Privé F et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Rhesus isoimmunization in pregnancy Rh isoimmunization 32,414
PGP000310 |
Canzian F et al. Eur J Hum Genet (2021)
Multiple myeloma multiple myeloma 23
PGP000328 |
Choi J et al. Int J Cancer (2020)
Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma diffuse large B-cell lymphoma 9
PGP000328 |
Choi J et al. Int J Cancer (2020)
Follicular lymphoma follicular lymphoma 6
PGP000328 |
Choi J et al. Int J Cancer (2020)
Chronic lymphoid leukemia lymphoid leukemia 43
PGP000328 |
Choi J et al. Int J Cancer (2020)
Multiple myeloma multiple myeloma 23
PGP000448 |
Berndt SI et al. Leukemia (2022)
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia acute lymphoblastic leukemia 15
PGP000448 |
Berndt SI et al. Leukemia (2022)
Hodgkin lymphoma Hodgkins lymphoma 21
PGP000448 |
Berndt SI et al. Leukemia (2022)
Multiple myeloma multiple myeloma 24
PGP000448 |
Berndt SI et al. Leukemia (2022)
Marginal zone lymphoma marginal zone B-cell lymphoma 2
PGP000448 |
Berndt SI et al. Leukemia (2022)
Waldenström macroglobulinemia Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia 2
PGP000448 |
Berndt SI et al. Leukemia (2022)
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia chronic lymphocytic leukemia 43
PGP000448 |
Berndt SI et al. Leukemia (2022)
Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma diffuse large B-cell lymphoma 5
PGP000448 |
Berndt SI et al. Leukemia (2022)
Follicular lymphoma follicular lymphoma 7
PGP000542 |
Kim ES et al. NPJ Precis Oncol (2023)
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma non-Hodgkins lymphoma 20

Performance Metrics

Disclaimer: The performance metrics are displayed as reported by the source studies. It is important to note that metrics are not necessarily comparable with each other. For example, metrics depend on the sample characteristics (described by the PGS Catalog Sample Set [PSS] ID), phenotyping, and statistical modelling. Please refer to the source publication for additional guidance on performance.

PGS Performance
Metric ID (PPM)
Evaluated Score PGS Sample Set ID
Performance Source Trait PGS Effect Sizes
(per SD change)
Classification Metrics Other Metrics Covariates Included in the Model PGS Performance:
Other Relevant Information
PPM000197 PGS000077
European Ancestry|
411,207 individuals
PGP000050 |
Graff RE et al. Nat Commun (2021)
Reported Trait: Lymphocytic leukemia OR: 1.42 [1.33, 1.51] Genotyping reagent kit (GERA cohort only), genotyping array (UK Biobank only), age, sex, 10 PCs. Results from meta-analysis of GERA and UKB
PPM002043 PGS000077
European Ancestry|
391,338 individuals
PGP000186 |
Kachuri L et al. Nat Commun (2020)
Reported Trait: Incident Lymphocytic Leukemia HR: 1.45 [1.31, 1.61] AUROC: 0.719
C-index: 0.735 (0.016)
Age at assessment, sex, genotyping array, PCs(1-15) C-index calculated as a weighted average between 1 and 5 years and AUC at 5 years.
PPM017175 PGS000077
European Ancestry|
246 individuals
PGP000443 |
Byrne S et al. Int J Epidemiol (2023)
Reported Trait: Lymphocytic leukemia HR: 1.5 [1.33, 1.69] age at baseline, sex (where relevant), assessment centre, 40 principal components of ancestries (PCs), Townsend Index, education, birth location, income, lifestyle index
PPM000200 PGS000080
European Ancestry|
412,765 individuals
PGP000050 |
Graff RE et al. Nat Commun (2021)
Reported Trait: Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma OR: 1.25 [1.2, 1.3] Genotyping reagent kit (GERA cohort only), genotyping array (UK Biobank only), age, sex, 10 PCs. Results from meta-analysis of GERA and UKB
PPM002046 PGS000080
European Ancestry|
391,968 individuals
PGP000186 |
Kachuri L et al. Nat Commun (2020)
Reported Trait: Incident non-hodgkin's lymphoma HR: 1.16 [1.09, 1.24] AUROC: 0.677
C-index: 0.676 (0.01)
Age at assessment, sex, genotyping array, PCs(1-15) C-index calculated as a weighted average between 1 and 5 years and AUC at 5 years.
PPM017168 PGS000080
European Ancestry|
721 individuals
PGP000443 |
Byrne S et al. Int J Epidemiol (2023)
Reported Trait: Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma HR: 1.19 [1.11, 1.28] age at baseline, sex (where relevant), assessment centre, 40 principal components of ancestries (PCs), Townsend Index, education, birth location, income, lifestyle index, additional cancer-specific covariates
PPM001322 PGS000637
European Ancestry|
775 individuals
PGP000118 |
Fritsche LG et al. Am J Hum Genet (2020)
Reported Trait: Hodgkin's disease OR: 1.3 [1.023, 1.651]
β: 0.262 (0.122)
AUROC: 0.574 [0.501, 0.642] Nagelkerke's Pseudo-R²: 0.013
Brier score: 0.0826
Odds Ratio (OR, top 1% vs. Rest): 1.67 [0.264, 10.5]
age, sex, batch PCs 1-4 Cancer PRSweb PheWAS Results: PRSWEB_PHECODE201_20001-1052_PRS-CS_MGI_20200608
PPM001323 PGS000638
European Ancestry|
775 individuals
PGP000118 |
Fritsche LG et al. Am J Hum Genet (2020)
Reported Trait: Hodgkin's disease OR: 1.377 [1.08, 1.755]
β: 0.32 (0.124)
AUROC: 0.601 [0.535, 0.671] Nagelkerke's Pseudo-R²: 0.0193
Brier score: 0.0824
Odds Ratio (OR, top 1% vs. Rest): 1.62 [0.258, 10.1]
age, sex, batch PCs 1-4 Cancer PRSweb PheWAS Results: PRSWEB_PHECODE201_GWAS-Catalog-r2019-05-03-X201_P_5e-08_MGI_20200608
PPM001324 PGS000639
European Ancestry|
775 individuals
PGP000118 |
Fritsche LG et al. Am J Hum Genet (2020)
Reported Trait: Hodgkin's disease OR: 1.476 [1.154, 1.889]
β: 0.39 (0.126)
AUROC: 0.62 [0.559, 0.688] Nagelkerke's Pseudo-R²: 0.0276
Brier score: 0.0821
Odds Ratio (OR, top 1% vs. Rest): 2.64 [0.572, 12.2]
age, sex, batch PCs 1-4 Cancer PRSweb PheWAS Results: PRSWEB_PHECODE201_GWAS-Catalog-r2019-05-03-X201_PT_MGI_20200608
PPM001325 PGS000640
European Ancestry|
775 individuals
PGP000118 |
Fritsche LG et al. Am J Hum Genet (2020)
Reported Trait: Hodgkin's disease OR: 1.292 [1.011, 1.651]
β: 0.256 (0.125)
AUROC: 0.569 [0.501, 0.634] Nagelkerke's Pseudo-R²: 0.0109
Brier score: 0.0828
Odds Ratio (OR, top 1% vs. Rest): 1.64 [0.261, 10.3]
age, sex, batch PCs 1-4 Cancer PRSweb PheWAS Results: PRSWEB_PHECODE201_UKBB-SAIGE-HRC-X201_LASSOSUM_MGI_20200608
PPM001326 PGS000641
European Ancestry|
9,952 individuals
PGP000118 |
Fritsche LG et al. Am J Hum Genet (2020)
Reported Trait: Non-Hodgkins lymphoma OR: 1.211 [1.133, 1.294]
β: 0.191 (0.034)
AUROC: 0.541 [0.521, 0.561] Nagelkerke's Pseudo-R²: 0.00682
Brier score: 0.0821
Odds Ratio (OR, top 1% vs. Rest): 2.05 [1.24, 3.4]
age, sex, batch PCs 1-4 Cancer PRSweb PheWAS Results: PRSWEB_PHECODE202.2_GWAS-Catalog-r2019-05-03-X202.2_P_5e-08_UKB_20200608
PPM001327 PGS000642
European Ancestry|
9,952 individuals
PGP000118 |
Fritsche LG et al. Am J Hum Genet (2020)
Reported Trait: Non-Hodgkins lymphoma OR: 1.239 [1.16, 1.324]
β: 0.214 (0.0337)
AUROC: 0.547 [0.527, 0.566] Nagelkerke's Pseudo-R²: 0.0087
Brier score: 0.082
Odds Ratio (OR, top 1% vs. Rest): 2.05 [1.24, 3.4]
age, sex, batch PCs 1-4 Cancer PRSweb PheWAS Results: PRSWEB_PHECODE202.2_GWAS-Catalog-r2019-05-03-X202.2_PT_UKB_20200608
PPM001328 PGS000643
European Ancestry|
3,256 individuals
PGP000118 |
Fritsche LG et al. Am J Hum Genet (2020)
Reported Trait: Nodular lymphoma OR: 1.133 [1.005, 1.277]
β: 0.125 (0.061)
AUROC: 0.532 [0.497, 0.568] Nagelkerke's Pseudo-R²: 0.00282
Brier score: 0.0825
Odds Ratio (OR, top 1% vs. Rest): 2.49 [1.1, 5.65]
age, sex, batch PCs 1-4 Cancer PRSweb PheWAS Results: PRSWEB_PHECODE202.21_C-FOLLICULAR-LYMPHOMA_PRS-CS_MGI_20200608
PPM001329 PGS000644
European Ancestry|
3,256 individuals
PGP000118 |
Fritsche LG et al. Am J Hum Genet (2020)
Reported Trait: Nodular lymphoma OR: 1.149 [1.021, 1.294]
β: 0.139 (0.0606)
AUROC: 0.538 [0.504, 0.573] Nagelkerke's Pseudo-R²: 0.00349
Brier score: 0.0825
Odds Ratio (OR, top 1% vs. Rest): 1.48 [0.538, 4.05]
age, sex, batch PCs 1-4 Cancer PRSweb PheWAS Results: PRSWEB_PHECODE202.21_C-FOLLICULAR-LYMPHOMA_LASSOSUM_MGI_20200608
PPM001330 PGS000645
European Ancestry|
957 individuals
PGP000118 |
Fritsche LG et al. Am J Hum Genet (2020)
Reported Trait: Lymphoid leukemia OR: 1.358 [1.113, 1.657]
β: 0.306 (0.102)
AUROC: 0.578 [0.517, 0.642] Nagelkerke's Pseudo-R²: 0.0193
Brier score: 0.0819
Odds Ratio (OR, top 1% vs. Rest): 3.69 [1.01, 13.4]
age, sex, batch PCs 1-4 Cancer PRSweb PheWAS Results: PRSWEB_PHECODE204.1_C-LYMPHOID-LEUKAEMIA_PT_MGI_20200608
PPM001331 PGS000646
European Ancestry|
756 individuals
PGP000118 |
Fritsche LG et al. Am J Hum Genet (2020)
Reported Trait: Lymphoid leukemia, chronic OR: 2.104 [1.628, 2.718]
β: 0.744 (0.131)
AUROC: 0.696 [0.628, 0.765] Nagelkerke's Pseudo-R²: 0.0973
Brier score: 0.0779
Odds Ratio (OR, top 1% vs. Rest): 11.3 [3.76, 33.9]
age, sex, batch PCs 1-4 Cancer PRSweb PheWAS Results: PRSWEB_PHECODE204.12_GWAS-Catalog-r2019-05-03-X204.12_P_5e-08_MGI_20200608
PPM001332 PGS000647
European Ancestry|
2,758 individuals
PGP000118 |
Fritsche LG et al. Am J Hum Genet (2020)
Reported Trait: Lymphoid leukemia, chronic OR: 1.874 [1.639, 2.144]
β: 0.628 (0.0685)
AUROC: 0.675 [0.64, 0.707] Nagelkerke's Pseudo-R²: 0.0689
Brier score: 0.0795
Odds Ratio (OR, top 1% vs. Rest): 4.11 [1.97, 8.6]
age, sex, batch PCs 1-4 Cancer PRSweb PheWAS Results: PRSWEB_PHECODE204.12_GWAS-Catalog-r2019-05-03-X204.12_P_5e-08_UKB_20200608
PPM001333 PGS000648
European Ancestry|
756 individuals
PGP000118 |
Fritsche LG et al. Am J Hum Genet (2020)
Reported Trait: Lymphoid leukemia, chronic OR: 2.124 [1.648, 2.738]
β: 0.753 (0.13)
AUROC: 0.696 [0.621, 0.764] Nagelkerke's Pseudo-R²: 0.102
Brier score: 0.0776
Odds Ratio (OR, top 1% vs. Rest): 12.9 [4.45, 37.6]
age, sex, batch PCs 1-4 Cancer PRSweb PheWAS Results: PRSWEB_PHECODE204.12_GWAS-Catalog-r2019-05-03-X204.12_PT_MGI_20200608
PPM001334 PGS000649
European Ancestry|
2,758 individuals
PGP000118 |
Fritsche LG et al. Am J Hum Genet (2020)
Reported Trait: Lymphoid leukemia, chronic OR: 1.85 [1.619, 2.114]
β: 0.615 (0.0681)
AUROC: 0.672 [0.637, 0.703] Nagelkerke's Pseudo-R²: 0.0665
Brier score: 0.0796
Odds Ratio (OR, top 1% vs. Rest): 2.52 [1.04, 6.08]
age, sex, batch PCs 1-4 Cancer PRSweb PheWAS Results: PRSWEB_PHECODE204.12_GWAS-Catalog-r2019-05-03-X204.12_PT_UKB_20200608
PPM001335 PGS000650
European Ancestry|
756 individuals
PGP000118 |
Fritsche LG et al. Am J Hum Genet (2020)
Reported Trait: Lymphoid leukemia, chronic OR: 1.368 [1.097, 1.705]
β: 0.313 (0.113)
AUROC: 0.577 [0.511, 0.645] Nagelkerke's Pseudo-R²: 0.0205
Brier score: 0.0822
Odds Ratio (OR, top 1% vs. Rest): 2.0 [0.308, 13.0]
age, sex, batch PCs 1-4 Cancer PRSweb PheWAS Results: PRSWEB_PHECODE204.12_UKBB-SAIGE-HRC-X204.12_PT_MGI_20200608
PPM001336 PGS000651
European Ancestry|
756 individuals
PGP000118 |
Fritsche LG et al. Am J Hum Genet (2020)
Reported Trait: Lymphoid leukemia, chronic OR: 1.32 [1.041, 1.675]
β: 0.278 (0.121)
AUROC: 0.573 [0.503, 0.644] Nagelkerke's Pseudo-R²: 0.0145
Brier score: 0.0823
Odds Ratio (OR, top 1% vs. Rest): 4.84 [1.23, 19.0]
age, sex, batch PCs 1-4 Cancer PRSweb PheWAS Results: PRSWEB_PHECODE204.12_UKBB-SAIGE-HRC-X204.12_LASSOSUM_MGI_20200608
PPM001337 PGS000652
European Ancestry|
908 individuals
PGP000118 |
Fritsche LG et al. Am J Hum Genet (2020)
Reported Trait: Multiple myeloma OR: 1.24 [1.005, 1.529]
β: 0.215 (0.107)
AUROC: 0.547 [0.479, 0.613] Nagelkerke's Pseudo-R²: 0.00945
Brier score: 0.0823
Odds Ratio (OR, top 1% vs. Rest): 2.6 [0.593, 11.4]
age, sex, batch PCs 1-4 Cancer PRSweb PheWAS Results: PRSWEB_PHECODE204.4_C90_PT_MGI_20200608
PPM001338 PGS000653
European Ancestry|
2,738 individuals
PGP000118 |
Fritsche LG et al. Am J Hum Genet (2020)
Reported Trait: Multiple myeloma OR: 1.327 [1.165, 1.511]
β: 0.283 (0.0663)
AUROC: 0.577 [0.537, 0.617] Nagelkerke's Pseudo-R²: 0.0145
Brier score: 0.0818
Odds Ratio (OR, top 1% vs. Rest): 2.2 [0.855, 5.66]
age, sex, batch PCs 1-4 Cancer PRSweb PheWAS Results: PRSWEB_PHECODE204.4_GWAS-Catalog-r2019-05-03-X204.4_P_5e-08_UKB_20200608
PPM001339 PGS000654
European Ancestry|
2,738 individuals
PGP000118 |
Fritsche LG et al. Am J Hum Genet (2020)
Reported Trait: Multiple myeloma OR: 1.316 [1.156, 1.499]
β: 0.275 (0.0662)
AUROC: 0.576 [0.536, 0.616] Nagelkerke's Pseudo-R²: 0.0137
Brier score: 0.0818
Odds Ratio (OR, top 1% vs. Rest): 2.2 [0.854, 5.66]
age, sex, batch PCs 1-4 Cancer PRSweb PheWAS Results: PRSWEB_PHECODE204.4_GWAS-Catalog-r2019-05-03-X204.4_PT_UKB_20200608
PPM002059 PGS000788
European Ancestry|
391,338 individuals
PGP000186 |
Kachuri L et al. Nat Commun (2020)
Reported Trait: Incident Lymphocytic Leukemia HR: 1.7 [1.53, 1.88] AUROC: 0.738
C-index: 0.756 (0.015)
: 0.415 Age at assessment, sex, genotyping array, PCs(1-15) C-index calculated as a weighted average between 1 and 5 years and AUC at 5 years.
PPM002062 PGS000791
European Ancestry|
391,968 individuals
PGP000186 |
Kachuri L et al. Nat Commun (2020)
Reported Trait: Incident non-hodgkin's lymphoma HR: 1.15 [1.08, 1.22] AUROC: 0.677
C-index: 0.674 (0.01)
: 0.227 Age at assessment, sex, genotyping array, PCs(1-15) C-index calculated as a weighted average between 1 and 5 years and AUC at 5 years.
PPM002493 PGS000874
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
3,958 individuals
PGP000220 |
Kleinstern G et al. Blood (2018)
Reported Trait: Chronic lymphocytic leukemia OR: 2.49 [2.28, 2.8] C-index: 0.79 [0.78, 0.8] Age, sex, study, socioeconomic status (when available) Odds Ratio (OR, top 20% vs middle 20%) = 3.64 [2.94 - 4.51]
PPM002494 PGS000874
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
3,958 individuals
PGP000220 |
Kleinstern G et al. Blood (2018)
Reported Trait: Chronic lymphocytic leukemia in individuals with no family history of hematological cancers OR: 2.46 [2.19, 2.76] C-index: 0.791 [0.77, 0.81] Age, sex, study, socioeconomic status (when available) Odds Ratio (OR, top 20% vs middle 20%) = 3.29 [2.49 - 4.35]
PPM002495 PGS000874
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
3,958 individuals
PGP000220 |
Kleinstern G et al. Blood (2018)
Reported Trait: Chronic lymphocytic leukemia in individuals with a family history of hematological cancers OR: 3.79 [2.44, 5.87] C-index: 0.861 [0.82, 0.9] Age, sex, study, socioeconomic status (when available) Odds Ratio (OR, top 20% vs middle 20%) = 7.58 [2.74 - 21.0]
PPM002496 PGS000874
Ancestry Not Reported|
218 individuals
PGP000220 |
Kleinstern G et al. Blood (2018)
Reported Trait: Chronic lymphocytic leukemia OR: 2.44 [1.65, 3.62] C-index: 0.798 [0.74, 0.85] Age, sex, study, socioeconomic status (when available) Odds Ratio (OR, top 20% vs middle 20%) = 3.51 [1.39 - 8.86]
PPM002497 PGS000874
Ancestry Not Reported|
153 individuals
PGP000220 |
Kleinstern G et al. Blood (2018)
Reported Trait: Monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis OR: 2.3 [1.44, 3.67] C-index: 0.773 [0.7, 0.85] Age, sex, study, socioeconomic status (when available) Odds Ratio (OR, top 20% vs middle 20%) = 4.36 [1.45 - 13.1]
PPM002498 PGS000874
Ancestry Not Reported|
1,468 individuals
PGP000220 |
Kleinstern G et al. Blood (2018)
Reported Trait: Chronic lymphocytic leukemia OR: 3.02 [2.49, 3.65] C-index: 0.779 [0.74, 0.81] Age, sex Odds Ratio (OR, top 20% vs middle 20%) = 4.47 [2.76 - 7.24]
PPM002499 PGS000874
Ancestry Not Reported|
1,362 individuals
PGP000220 |
Kleinstern G et al. Blood (2018)
Reported Trait: Monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis OR: 2.81 [2.18, 3.61] C-index: 0.774 [0.73, 0.82] Age, sex Odds Ratio (OR, top 20% vs middle 20%) = 4.34 [2.21 - 8.50]
PPM002654 PGS000874
European Ancestry|
3,191 individuals
PGP000234 |
Kleinstern G et al. Leukemia (2021)
Reported Trait: Monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis OR: 1.86 [1.67, 2.07] C-index: 0.72 [0.69, 0.73] Odds Ratio (OR, top 20% vs middle 20%): 2.38 [1.81, 3.13] Age, sex
PPM002655 PGS000874
European Ancestry|
3,191 individuals
PGP000234 |
Kleinstern G et al. Leukemia (2021)
Reported Trait: Monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis OR: 1.15 [1.13, 1.18] C-index: 0.72 [0.7, 0.74] Age, sex An unweighted version of PRS41_CLL was used.
PPM002656 PGS000874
European Ancestry|
3,191 individuals
PGP000234 |
Kleinstern G et al. Leukemia (2021)
Reported Trait: Low-count monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis OR: 1.75 [1.55, 1.98] C-index: 0.72 [0.7, 0.75] Odds Ratio (OR, top 20% vs middle 20%): 2.1 [1.53, 2.88] Age, sex
PPM002657 PGS000874
European Ancestry|
3,191 individuals
PGP000234 |
Kleinstern G et al. Leukemia (2021)
Reported Trait: Low-count monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis OR: 1.14 [1.11, 1.17] C-index: 0.72 [0.7, 0.75] Age, sex An unweighted version of PRS41_CLL was used.
PPM002658 PGS000874
European Ancestry|
3,191 individuals
PGP000234 |
Kleinstern G et al. Leukemia (2021)
Reported Trait: High-count monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis OR: 2.14 [1.8, 2.56] C-index: 0.73 [0.69, 0.77] Odds Ratio (OR, top 20% vs middle 20%): 3.13 [1.97, 4.98] Age, sex
PPM002659 PGS000874
European Ancestry|
3,191 individuals
PGP000234 |
Kleinstern G et al. Leukemia (2021)
Reported Trait: High-count monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis OR: 1.19 [1.14, 1.23] C-index: 0.725 [0.69, 0.77] Age, sex An unweighted version of PRS41_CLL was used.
PPM002660 PGS000874
European Ancestry|
3,327 individuals
PGP000234 |
Kleinstern G et al. Leukemia (2021)
Reported Trait: Chronic lymphocytic leukemia OR: 2.53 [2.27, 2.81] C-index: 0.77 [0.75, 0.79] Odds Ratio (OR, top 20% vs middle 20%): 3.49 [2.70, 4.51] Age, sex
PPM002661 PGS000874
European Ancestry|
3,327 individuals
PGP000234 |
Kleinstern G et al. Leukemia (2021)
Reported Trait: Chronic lymphocytic leukemia OR: 1.23 [1.2, 1.26] C-index: 0.775 [0.76, 0.79] Age, sex An unweighted version of PRS41_CLL was used.
PPM002662 PGS000874
African Ancestry|
408 individuals
PGP000234 |
Kleinstern G et al. Leukemia (2021)
Reported Trait: Chronic lymphocytic leukemia OR: 1.76 [1.34, 2.31] C-index: 0.62 [0.57, 0.68] Age, sex
PPM002663 PGS000874
African Ancestry|
408 individuals
PGP000234 |
Kleinstern G et al. Leukemia (2021)
Reported Trait: Chronic lymphocytic leukemia OR: 1.07 [1.01, 1.13] C-index: 0.57 [0.53, 0.64] Age, sex An unweighted version of PRS41_CLL was used.
PPM007928 PGS001033
African Ancestry|
6,497 individuals
PGP000244 |
Tanigawa Y et al. PLoS Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: TTE other coagulation defects AUROC: 0.68816 [0.60114, 0.77518] : 0.03983
Incremental AUROC (full-covars): -0.00134
PGS R2 (no covariates): 0.00067
PGS AUROC (no covariates): 0.49799 [0.49722, 0.49876]
age, sex, UKB array type, Genotype PCs Full Model & PGS R2 is estimated using Nagelkerke's method
PPM007929 PGS001033
East Asian Ancestry|
1,704 individuals
PGP000244 |
Tanigawa Y et al. PLoS Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: TTE other coagulation defects AUROC: 0.8546 [0.65205, 1.0] : 0.119
Incremental AUROC (full-covars): 0.0
PGS R2 (no covariates): 8e-05
PGS AUROC (no covariates): 0.49971 [0.49913, 0.50028]
age, sex, UKB array type, Genotype PCs Full Model & PGS R2 is estimated using Nagelkerke's method
PPM007930 PGS001033
European Ancestry|
24,905 individuals
PGP000244 |
Tanigawa Y et al. PLoS Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: TTE other coagulation defects AUROC: 0.64742 [0.59655, 0.69828] : 0.03199
Incremental AUROC (full-covars): 0.06677
PGS R2 (no covariates): 0.0303
PGS AUROC (no covariates): 0.58367 [0.54735, 0.61999]
age, sex, UKB array type, Genotype PCs Full Model & PGS R2 is estimated using Nagelkerke's method
PPM007931 PGS001033
South Asian Ancestry|
7,831 individuals
PGP000244 |
Tanigawa Y et al. PLoS Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: TTE other coagulation defects AUROC: 0.66881 [0.55798, 0.77963] : 0.02584
Incremental AUROC (full-covars): 0.02341
PGS R2 (no covariates): 0.00994
PGS AUROC (no covariates): 0.54143 [0.46669, 0.61618]
age, sex, UKB array type, Genotype PCs Full Model & PGS R2 is estimated using Nagelkerke's method
PPM007932 PGS001033
European Ancestry|
67,425 individuals
PGP000244 |
Tanigawa Y et al. PLoS Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: TTE other coagulation defects AUROC: 0.65623 [0.61832, 0.69414] : 0.05179
Incremental AUROC (full-covars): 0.12049
PGS R2 (no covariates): 0.05781
PGS AUROC (no covariates): 0.63402 [0.60616, 0.66189]
age, sex, UKB array type, Genotype PCs Full Model & PGS R2 is estimated using Nagelkerke's method
PPM008408 PGS001136
African Ancestry|
6,497 individuals
PGP000244 |
Tanigawa Y et al. PLoS Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Genetic haematological disorder AUROC: 0.70006 [0.42128, 0.97885] : 0.03928
Incremental AUROC (full-covars): -0.02126
PGS R2 (no covariates): 0.01794
PGS AUROC (no covariates): 0.33706 [0.08609, 0.58803]
age, sex, UKB array type, Genotype PCs Full Model & PGS R2 is estimated using Nagelkerke's method
PPM008409 PGS001136
European Ancestry|
24,905 individuals
PGP000244 |
Tanigawa Y et al. PLoS Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Genetic haematological disorder AUROC: 0.74771 [0.64556, 0.84987] : 0.04759
Incremental AUROC (full-covars): 0.0501
PGS R2 (no covariates): 0.01517
PGS AUROC (no covariates): 0.6101 [0.48056, 0.73964]
age, sex, UKB array type, Genotype PCs Full Model & PGS R2 is estimated using Nagelkerke's method
PPM008410 PGS001136
South Asian Ancestry|
7,831 individuals
PGP000244 |
Tanigawa Y et al. PLoS Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Genetic haematological disorder AUROC: 0.86122 [0.58992, 1.0] : 0.17517
Incremental AUROC (full-covars): -0.03046
PGS R2 (no covariates): 0.0343
PGS AUROC (no covariates): 0.45357 [0.0, 1.0]
age, sex, UKB array type, Genotype PCs Full Model & PGS R2 is estimated using Nagelkerke's method
PPM008411 PGS001136
European Ancestry|
67,425 individuals
PGP000244 |
Tanigawa Y et al. PLoS Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Genetic haematological disorder AUROC: 0.67815 [0.59919, 0.75712] : 0.04564
Incremental AUROC (full-covars): 0.21126
PGS R2 (no covariates): 0.0569
PGS AUROC (no covariates): 0.69867 [0.61574, 0.78161]
age, sex, UKB array type, Genotype PCs Full Model & PGS R2 is estimated using Nagelkerke's method
PPM009020 PGS001305
African Ancestry|
6,497 individuals
PGP000244 |
Tanigawa Y et al. PLoS Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: TTE vitamin b12 deficiency anaemia AUROC: 0.66063 [0.54547, 0.77579] : 0.02699
Incremental AUROC (full-covars): 0.01762
PGS R2 (no covariates): 0.00536
PGS AUROC (no covariates): 0.5839 [0.43974, 0.72805]
age, sex, UKB array type, Genotype PCs Full Model & PGS R2 is estimated using Nagelkerke's method
PPM009021 PGS001305
European Ancestry|
24,905 individuals
PGP000244 |
Tanigawa Y et al. PLoS Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: TTE vitamin b12 deficiency anaemia AUROC: 0.65118 [0.60827, 0.69409] : 0.02729
Incremental AUROC (full-covars): 0.02555
PGS R2 (no covariates): 0.00865
PGS AUROC (no covariates): 0.59612 [0.5552, 0.63704]
age, sex, UKB array type, Genotype PCs Full Model & PGS R2 is estimated using Nagelkerke's method
PPM009022 PGS001305
South Asian Ancestry|
7,831 individuals
PGP000244 |
Tanigawa Y et al. PLoS Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: TTE vitamin b12 deficiency anaemia AUROC: 0.72387 [0.6834, 0.76434] : 0.06747
Incremental AUROC (full-covars): 0.01252
PGS R2 (no covariates): 0.00966
PGS AUROC (no covariates): 0.57469 [0.52685, 0.62252]
age, sex, UKB array type, Genotype PCs Full Model & PGS R2 is estimated using Nagelkerke's method
PPM009023 PGS001305
European Ancestry|
67,425 individuals
PGP000244 |
Tanigawa Y et al. PLoS Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: TTE vitamin b12 deficiency anaemia AUROC: 0.64482 [0.61972, 0.66993] : 0.02374
Incremental AUROC (full-covars): 0.02212
PGS R2 (no covariates): 0.0068
PGS AUROC (no covariates): 0.57972 [0.55331, 0.60612]
age, sex, UKB array type, Genotype PCs Full Model & PGS R2 is estimated using Nagelkerke's method
PPM009382 PGS001810
European Ancestry|
19,539 individuals
PGP000263 |
Privé F et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Polycythemia vera Partial Correlation (partial-r): 0.017 [0.003, 0.031] sex, age, birth date, deprivation index, 16 PCs
PPM009383 PGS001810
European Ancestry|
4,052 individuals
PGP000263 |
Privé F et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Polycythemia vera Partial Correlation (partial-r): 0.0195 [-0.0114, 0.0503] sex, age, birth date, deprivation index, 16 PCs
PPM009384 PGS001810
European Ancestry|
6,489 individuals
PGP000263 |
Privé F et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Polycythemia vera Partial Correlation (partial-r): 0.026 [0.0016, 0.0503] sex, age, birth date, deprivation index, 16 PCs
PPM009385 PGS001810
Greater Middle Eastern Ancestry|
1,178 individuals
PGP000263 |
Privé F et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Polycythemia vera Partial Correlation (partial-r): -0.0173 [-0.0748, 0.0404] sex, age, birth date, deprivation index, 16 PCs
PPM009386 PGS001810
South Asian Ancestry|
6,171 individuals
PGP000263 |
Privé F et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Polycythemia vera Partial Correlation (partial-r): -0.0038 [-0.0288, 0.0212] sex, age, birth date, deprivation index, 16 PCs
PPM009387 PGS001810
East Asian Ancestry|
1,787 individuals
PGP000263 |
Privé F et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Polycythemia vera Partial Correlation (partial-r): -0.0072 [-0.0538, 0.0395] sex, age, birth date, deprivation index, 16 PCs
PPM009505 PGS001826
European Ancestry|
19,864 individuals
PGP000263 |
Privé F et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Congenital deficiency of other clotting factors (including factor VII) Partial Correlation (partial-r): 0.0562 [0.0424, 0.0701] sex, age, birth date, deprivation index, 16 PCs
PPM009506 PGS001826
European Ancestry|
4,108 individuals
PGP000263 |
Privé F et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Congenital deficiency of other clotting factors (including factor VII) Partial Correlation (partial-r): 0.0487 [0.018, 0.0792] sex, age, birth date, deprivation index, 16 PCs
PPM009507 PGS001826
European Ancestry|
6,613 individuals
PGP000263 |
Privé F et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Congenital deficiency of other clotting factors (including factor VII) Partial Correlation (partial-r): 0.0377 [0.0136, 0.0618] sex, age, birth date, deprivation index, 16 PCs
PPM009508 PGS001826
South Asian Ancestry|
6,272 individuals
PGP000263 |
Privé F et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Congenital deficiency of other clotting factors (including factor VII) Partial Correlation (partial-r): 0.0354 [0.0106, 0.0601] sex, age, birth date, deprivation index, 16 PCs
PPM009833 PGS001868
European Ancestry|
10,686 individuals
PGP000263 |
Privé F et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Rhesus isoimmunization in pregnancy Partial Correlation (partial-r): 0.0509 [0.0319, 0.0698] sex, age, birth date, deprivation index, 16 PCs
PPM009834 PGS001868
European Ancestry|
2,539 individuals
PGP000263 |
Privé F et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Rhesus isoimmunization in pregnancy Partial Correlation (partial-r): 0.0603 [0.0213, 0.0991] sex, age, birth date, deprivation index, 16 PCs
PPM009835 PGS001868
European Ancestry|
3,602 individuals
PGP000263 |
Privé F et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Rhesus isoimmunization in pregnancy Partial Correlation (partial-r): 0.0696 [0.0369, 0.1021] sex, age, birth date, deprivation index, 16 PCs
PPM009836 PGS001868
Greater Middle Eastern Ancestry|
470 individuals
PGP000263 |
Privé F et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Rhesus isoimmunization in pregnancy Partial Correlation (partial-r): 0.0386 [-0.054, 0.1304] sex, age, birth date, deprivation index, 16 PCs
PPM009838 PGS001868
East Asian Ancestry|
1,173 individuals
PGP000263 |
Privé F et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Rhesus isoimmunization in pregnancy Partial Correlation (partial-r): 0.052 [-0.0057, 0.1094] sex, age, birth date, deprivation index, 16 PCs
PPM009839 PGS001868
African Ancestry|
1,548 individuals
PGP000263 |
Privé F et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Rhesus isoimmunization in pregnancy Partial Correlation (partial-r): -0.0385 [-0.0885, 0.0116] sex, age, birth date, deprivation index, 16 PCs
PPM009840 PGS001868
African Ancestry|
2,068 individuals
PGP000263 |
Privé F et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Rhesus isoimmunization in pregnancy Partial Correlation (partial-r): 0.0144 [-0.0289, 0.0577] sex, age, birth date, deprivation index, 16 PCs
PPM009837 PGS001868
South Asian Ancestry|
2,815 individuals
PGP000263 |
Privé F et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Rhesus isoimmunization in pregnancy Partial Correlation (partial-r): 0.0639 [0.0269, 0.1008] sex, age, birth date, deprivation index, 16 PCs
PPM011143 PGS002034
European Ancestry|
19,864 individuals
PGP000263 |
Privé F et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Congenital deficiency of other clotting factors (including factor VII) Partial Correlation (partial-r): 0.0563 [0.0424, 0.0702] sex, age, birth date, deprivation index, 16 PCs
PPM011144 PGS002034
European Ancestry|
4,108 individuals
PGP000263 |
Privé F et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Congenital deficiency of other clotting factors (including factor VII) Partial Correlation (partial-r): 0.0533 [0.0227, 0.0838] sex, age, birth date, deprivation index, 16 PCs
PPM011145 PGS002034
European Ancestry|
6,613 individuals
PGP000263 |
Privé F et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Congenital deficiency of other clotting factors (including factor VII) Partial Correlation (partial-r): 0.046 [0.0219, 0.07] sex, age, birth date, deprivation index, 16 PCs
PPM011146 PGS002034
South Asian Ancestry|
6,272 individuals
PGP000263 |
Privé F et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Congenital deficiency of other clotting factors (including factor VII) Partial Correlation (partial-r): 0.0358 [0.011, 0.0605] sex, age, birth date, deprivation index, 16 PCs
PPM011501 PGS002080
European Ancestry|
10,686 individuals
PGP000263 |
Privé F et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Rhesus isoimmunization in pregnancy Partial Correlation (partial-r): 0.0529 [0.034, 0.0718] sex, age, birth date, deprivation index, 16 PCs
PPM011502 PGS002080
European Ancestry|
2,539 individuals
PGP000263 |
Privé F et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Rhesus isoimmunization in pregnancy Partial Correlation (partial-r): 0.0603 [0.0213, 0.0991] sex, age, birth date, deprivation index, 16 PCs
PPM011503 PGS002080
European Ancestry|
3,602 individuals
PGP000263 |
Privé F et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Rhesus isoimmunization in pregnancy Partial Correlation (partial-r): 0.0698 [0.0371, 0.1023] sex, age, birth date, deprivation index, 16 PCs
PPM011504 PGS002080
Greater Middle Eastern Ancestry|
470 individuals
PGP000263 |
Privé F et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Rhesus isoimmunization in pregnancy Partial Correlation (partial-r): 0.0432 [-0.0494, 0.135] sex, age, birth date, deprivation index, 16 PCs
PPM011505 PGS002080
South Asian Ancestry|
2,815 individuals
PGP000263 |
Privé F et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Rhesus isoimmunization in pregnancy Partial Correlation (partial-r): 0.0674 [0.0305, 0.1043] sex, age, birth date, deprivation index, 16 PCs
PPM011506 PGS002080
East Asian Ancestry|
1,173 individuals
PGP000263 |
Privé F et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Rhesus isoimmunization in pregnancy Partial Correlation (partial-r): 0.0096 [-0.0482, 0.0672] sex, age, birth date, deprivation index, 16 PCs
PPM011508 PGS002080
African Ancestry|
2,068 individuals
PGP000263 |
Privé F et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Rhesus isoimmunization in pregnancy Partial Correlation (partial-r): 0.0234 [-0.0199, 0.0666] sex, age, birth date, deprivation index, 16 PCs
PPM011507 PGS002080
African Ancestry|
1,548 individuals
PGP000263 |
Privé F et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Rhesus isoimmunization in pregnancy Partial Correlation (partial-r): -0.0192 [-0.0692, 0.031] sex, age, birth date, deprivation index, 16 PCs
PPM012970 PGS002281
European Ancestry|
2,395 individuals
PGP000310 |
Canzian F et al. Eur J Hum Genet (2021)
Reported Trait: Multiple myeloma AUROC: 0.644 [0.622, 0.666] Odds Ratio (OR, highest vs lowest quintiles): 3.18 [2.34, 4.33] Age, sex, and geographic region of origin Unweighted score (100% call rate)
PPM012971 PGS002281
European Ancestry|
2,395 individuals
PGP000310 |
Canzian F et al. Eur J Hum Genet (2021)
Reported Trait: Multiple myeloma AUROC: 0.628 [0.605, 0.65] Odds Ratio (OR, highest vs lowest quintiles): 3.44 [2.53, 4.69] Age, sex, and geographic region of origin Weighted score (100% call rate)
PPM013032 PGS002303
European Ancestry|
308 individuals
PGP000328 |
Choi J et al. Int J Cancer (2020)
Reported Trait: Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma AUROC: 0.56 [0.53, 0.6]
PPM013040 PGS002303
European Ancestry|
308 individuals
PGP000328 |
Choi J et al. Int J Cancer (2020)
Reported Trait: Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma Hazard ratio (HR top 5% vs average): 1.6 [1.01, 2.54] Age, birth cohort, genotyping array, top 10 PCs for ancestry and sex (for nonsex specific cancer only)
PPM013033 PGS002304
European Ancestry|
197 individuals
PGP000328 |
Choi J et al. Int J Cancer (2020)
Reported Trait: Follicular lymphoma AUROC: 0.61 [0.59, 0.63]
PPM013041 PGS002304
European Ancestry|
197 individuals
PGP000328 |
Choi J et al. Int J Cancer (2020)
Reported Trait: Follicular lymphoma Hazard ratio (HR top 5% vs average): 2.33 [1.38, 3.93] Age, birth cohort, genotyping array, top 10 PCs for ancestry and sex (for nonsex specific cancer only)
PPM013034 PGS002305
European Ancestry|
265 individuals
PGP000328 |
Choi J et al. Int J Cancer (2020)
Reported Trait: Chronic lymphoid leukemia AUROC: 0.57 [0.54, 0.6]
PPM013042 PGS002305
European Ancestry|
265 individuals
PGP000328 |
Choi J et al. Int J Cancer (2020)
Reported Trait: Chronic lymphoid leukemia Hazard ratio (HR top 5% vs average): 4.33 [2.92, 6.42] Age, birth cohort, genotyping array, top 10 PCs for ancestry and sex (for nonsex specific cancer only)
PPM013035 PGS002306
European Ancestry|
290 individuals
PGP000328 |
Choi J et al. Int J Cancer (2020)
Reported Trait: Multiple myeloma AUROC: 0.69 [0.64, 0.7]
PPM013043 PGS002306
European Ancestry|
290 individuals
PGP000328 |
Choi J et al. Int J Cancer (2020)
Reported Trait: Multiple myeloma Hazard ratio (HR top 5% vs average): 2.41 [1.56, 3.72] Age, birth cohort, genotyping array, top 10 PCs for ancestry and sex (for nonsex specific cancer only)
PPM017230 PGS003448
European Ancestry|
20,134 individuals
PGP000448 |
Berndt SI et al. Leukemia (2022)
Reported Trait: Chronic lymphocytic leukemia OR: 0.95 [0.9, 1.0]
PPM017238 PGS003448
European Ancestry|
20,134 individuals
PGP000448 |
Berndt SI et al. Leukemia (2022)
Reported Trait: Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma OR: 0.99 [0.94, 1.04]
PPM017246 PGS003448
European Ancestry|
20,134 individuals
PGP000448 |
Berndt SI et al. Leukemia (2022)
Reported Trait: Follicular lymphoma OR: 1.01 [0.95, 1.06]
PPM017254 PGS003448
European Ancestry|
20,134 individuals
PGP000448 |
Berndt SI et al. Leukemia (2022)
Reported Trait: Marginal zone lymphoma OR: 1.02 [0.93, 1.12]
PPM017231 PGS003449
European Ancestry|
20,134 individuals
PGP000448 |
Berndt SI et al. Leukemia (2022)
Reported Trait: Chronic lymphocytic leukemia OR: 1.02 [0.97, 1.08]
PPM017239 PGS003449
European Ancestry|
20,134 individuals
PGP000448 |
Berndt SI et al. Leukemia (2022)
Reported Trait: Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma OR: 1.07 [1.02, 1.13]
PPM017247 PGS003449
European Ancestry|
20,134 individuals
PGP000448 |
Berndt SI et al. Leukemia (2022)
Reported Trait: Follicular lymphoma OR: 0.88 [0.83, 0.93]
PPM017255 PGS003449
European Ancestry|
20,134 individuals
PGP000448 |
Berndt SI et al. Leukemia (2022)
Reported Trait: Marginal zone lymphoma OR: 1.05 [0.96, 1.16]
PPM017229 PGS003450
European Ancestry|
20,134 individuals
PGP000448 |
Berndt SI et al. Leukemia (2022)
Reported Trait: Chronic lymphocytic leukemia OR: 1.09 [1.02, 1.16]
PPM017237 PGS003450
European Ancestry|
20,134 individuals
PGP000448 |
Berndt SI et al. Leukemia (2022)
Reported Trait: Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma OR: 0.98 [0.93, 1.04]
PPM017245 PGS003450
European Ancestry|
20,134 individuals
PGP000448 |
Berndt SI et al. Leukemia (2022)
Reported Trait: Follicular lymphoma OR: 1.01 [0.95, 1.09]
PPM017253 PGS003450
European Ancestry|
20,134 individuals
PGP000448 |
Berndt SI et al. Leukemia (2022)
Reported Trait: Marginal zone lymphoma OR: 1.05 [0.94, 1.18]
PPM017227 PGS003451
European Ancestry|
20,134 individuals
PGP000448 |
Berndt SI et al. Leukemia (2022)
Reported Trait: Chronic lymphocytic leukemia OR: 1.26 [1.09, 1.46]
PPM017235 PGS003451
European Ancestry|
20,134 individuals
PGP000448 |
Berndt SI et al. Leukemia (2022)
Reported Trait: Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma OR: 1.53 [1.34, 1.75]
PPM017243 PGS003451
European Ancestry|
20,134 individuals
PGP000448 |
Berndt SI et al. Leukemia (2022)
Reported Trait: Follicular lymphoma OR: 1.39 [1.21, 1.61]
PPM017251 PGS003451
European Ancestry|
20,134 individuals
PGP000448 |
Berndt SI et al. Leukemia (2022)
Reported Trait: Marginal zone lymphoma OR: 2.43 [1.93, 3.06]
PPM017228 PGS003452
European Ancestry|
20,134 individuals
PGP000448 |
Berndt SI et al. Leukemia (2022)
Reported Trait: Chronic lymphocytic leukemia OR: 1.07 [1.01, 1.14]
PPM017236 PGS003452
European Ancestry|
20,134 individuals
PGP000448 |
Berndt SI et al. Leukemia (2022)
Reported Trait: Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma OR: 1.24 [1.18, 1.31]
PPM017244 PGS003452
European Ancestry|
20,134 individuals
PGP000448 |
Berndt SI et al. Leukemia (2022)
Reported Trait: Follicular lymphoma OR: 1.12 [1.05, 1.19]
PPM017252 PGS003452
European Ancestry|
20,134 individuals
PGP000448 |
Berndt SI et al. Leukemia (2022)
Reported Trait: Marginal zone lymphoma OR: 1.18 [1.07, 1.3]
PPM017224 PGS003453
European Ancestry|
20,134 individuals
PGP000448 |
Berndt SI et al. Leukemia (2022)
Reported Trait: Chronic lymphocytic leukemia OR: 2.17 [2.07, 2.28]
PPM017232 PGS003453
European Ancestry|
20,134 individuals
PGP000448 |
Berndt SI et al. Leukemia (2022)
Reported Trait: Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma OR: 1.17 [1.12, 1.22]
PPM017240 PGS003453
European Ancestry|
20,134 individuals
PGP000448 |
Berndt SI et al. Leukemia (2022)
Reported Trait: Follicular lymphoma OR: 1.12 [1.07, 1.17]
PPM017248 PGS003453
European Ancestry|
20,134 individuals
PGP000448 |
Berndt SI et al. Leukemia (2022)
Reported Trait: Marginal zone lymphoma OR: 1.15 [1.07, 1.24]
PPM017225 PGS003454
European Ancestry|
20,134 individuals
PGP000448 |
Berndt SI et al. Leukemia (2022)
Reported Trait: Chronic lymphocytic leukemia OR: 1.33 [1.14, 1.54]
PPM017233 PGS003454
European Ancestry|
20,134 individuals
PGP000448 |
Berndt SI et al. Leukemia (2022)
Reported Trait: Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma OR: 2.69 [2.35, 3.08]
PPM017249 PGS003454
European Ancestry|
20,134 individuals
PGP000448 |
Berndt SI et al. Leukemia (2022)
Reported Trait: Marginal zone lymphoma OR: 2.1 [1.63, 2.72]
PPM017241 PGS003454
European Ancestry|
20,134 individuals
PGP000448 |
Berndt SI et al. Leukemia (2022)
Reported Trait: Follicular lymphoma OR: 1.66 [1.42, 1.94]
PPM017226 PGS003455
European Ancestry|
20,134 individuals
PGP000448 |
Berndt SI et al. Leukemia (2022)
Reported Trait: Chronic lymphocytic leukemia OR: 1.07 [0.98, 1.17]
PPM017234 PGS003455
European Ancestry|
20,134 individuals
PGP000448 |
Berndt SI et al. Leukemia (2022)
Reported Trait: Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma OR: 1.28 [1.19, 1.39]
PPM017242 PGS003455
European Ancestry|
20,134 individuals
PGP000448 |
Berndt SI et al. Leukemia (2022)
Reported Trait: Follicular lymphoma OR: 2.77 [2.52, 3.04]
PPM017250 PGS003455
European Ancestry|
20,134 individuals
PGP000448 |
Berndt SI et al. Leukemia (2022)
Reported Trait: Marginal zone lymphoma OR: 0.94 [0.81, 1.09]
PPM020305 PGS004248
European Ancestry|
133,830 individuals
PGP000542 |
Kim ES et al. NPJ Precis Oncol (2023)
Reported Trait: Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma HR: 1.16 [1.03, 1.3] first 10 genetic principal components
PPM020313 PGS004248
European Ancestry|
115,207 individuals
PGP000542 |
Kim ES et al. NPJ Precis Oncol (2023)
Reported Trait: Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma HR: 1.22 [1.1, 1.36] first 10 genetic principal components

Evaluated Samples

PGS Sample Set ID
Phenotype Definitions and Methods Participant Follow-up Time Sample Numbers Age of Study Participants Sample Ancestry Additional Ancestry Description Cohort(s) Additional Sample/Cohort Information
  • 447 cases
  • , 66,978 controls
European white British ancestry UKB Testing cohort (heldout set)
PSS008007 1,173 individuals East Asian China (East Asia) UKB
PSS000559 PheCode:201; ICD9CM:201.00, 201.01, 201.02, 201.03, 201.04, 201.05, 201.06, 201.07, 201.08, 201.10, 201.11, 201.12, 201.13, 201.14, 201.15, 201.16, 201.17, 201.18, 201.20, 201.21, 201.22, 201.23, 201.24, 201.25, 201.26, 201.27, 201.28, 201.40, 201.41, 201.42, 201.43, 201.44, 201.45, 201.46, 201.47, 201.48, 201.50, 201.51, 201.52, 201.53, 201.54, 201.55, 201.56, 201.57, 201.58, 201.60, 201.61, 201.62, 201.63, 201.64, 201.65, 201.66, 201.67, 201.68, 201.70, 201.71, 201.72, 201.73, 201.74, 201.75, 201.76, 201.77, 201.78, 201.90, 201.91, 201.92, 201.93, 201.94, 201.95, 201.96, 201.97, 201.98, V10.72; ICD10CM:C81, C81.0, C81.00, C81.01, C81.02, C81.03, C81.04, C81.05, C81.06, C81.07, C81.08, C81.09, C81.1, C81.10, C81.11, C81.12, C81.13, C81.14, C81.15, C81.16, C81.17, C81.18, C81.19, C81.2, C81.20, C81.21, C81.22, C81.23, C81.24, C81.25, C81.26, C81.27, C81.28, C81.29, C81.3, C81.30, C81.31, C81.32, C81.33, C81.34, C81.35, C81.36, C81.37, C81.38, C81.39, C81.4, C81.40, C81.41, C81.42, C81.43, C81.44, C81.45, C81.46, C81.47, C81.48, C81.49, C81.7, C81.70, C81.71, C81.72, C81.73, C81.74, C81.75, C81.76, C81.77, C81.78, C81.79, C81.9, C81.90, C81.91, C81.92, C81.93, C81.94, C81.95, C81.96, C81.97, C81.98, C81.99
  • 71 cases
  • , 704 controls
European MGI
PSS000560 PheCode:202.21; ICD9CM:202.00, 202.01, 202.02, 202.03, 202.04, 202.05, 202.06, 202.07, 202.08; ICD10CM:C82, C82.0, C82.00, C82.01, C82.02, C82.03, C82.04, C82.05, C82.06, C82.07, C82.08, C82.09, C82.1, C82.10, C82.11, C82.12, C82.13, C82.14, C82.15, C82.16, C82.17, C82.18, C82.19, C82.2, C82.20, C82.21, C82.22, C82.23, C82.24, C82.25, C82.26, C82.27, C82.28, C82.29, C82.3, C82.30, C82.31, C82.32, C82.33, C82.34, C82.35, C82.36, C82.37, C82.38, C82.39, C82.4, C82.40, C82.41, C82.42, C82.43, C82.44, C82.45, C82.46, C82.47, C82.48, C82.49, C82.5, C82.50, C82.51, C82.52, C82.53, C82.54, C82.55, C82.56, C82.57, C82.58, C82.59, C82.6, C82.60, C82.61, C82.62, C82.63, C82.64, C82.65, C82.66, C82.67, C82.68, C82.69, C82.8, C82.80, C82.81, C82.82, C82.83, C82.84, C82.85, C82.86, C82.87, C82.88, C82.89, C82.9, C82.90, C82.91, C82.92, C82.93, C82.94, C82.95, C82.96, C82.97, C82.98, C82.99
  • 296 cases
  • , 2,960 controls
European MGI
PSS000561 PheCode:204.12; ICD9CM:204.10, 204.11, 204.12; ICD10CM:C91.1, C91.10, C91.11, C91.12
  • 69 cases
  • , 687 controls
European MGI
PSS000562 PheCode:204.1; ICD9CM:204.00, 204.01, 204.02, 204.10, 204.11, 204.12, 204.20, 204.21, 204.22, 204.80, 204.81, 204.82, 204.90, 204.91, 204.92, V10.61; ICD10CM:C91, C91.0, C91.00, C91.01, C91.02, C91.1, C91.10, C91.11, C91.12, C91.3, C91.30, C91.31, C91.32, C91.4, C91.40, C91.41, C91.42, C91.5, C91.50, C91.51, C91.52, C91.6, C91.60, C91.61, C91.62, C91.9, C91.90, C91.91, C91.92, C91.A, C91.A0, C91.A1, C91.A2, C91.Z, C91.Z0, C91.Z1, C91.Z2
  • 87 cases
  • , 870 controls
European MGI
PSS000563 PheCode:204.4; ICD9CM:203.00, 203.01, 203.02, 203.80, 203.81, 203.82; ICD10CM:C88.2, C88.3, C88.9, C90.0, C90.00, C90.01, C90.02, C90.2, C90.20, C90.21, C90.22, C90.30, C90.31, C90.32
  • 83 cases
  • , 825 controls
European MGI
  • 35 cases
  • , 6,462 controls
African unspecified UKB
  • 3 cases
  • , 1,701 controls
East Asian UKB
  • 123 cases
  • , 24,782 controls
European non-white British ancestry UKB
  • 18 cases
  • , 7,813 controls
South Asian UKB
  • 268 cases
  • , 67,157 controls
European white British ancestry UKB Testing cohort (heldout set)
PSS009296 19,864 individuals European UK (+ Ireland) UKB
  • 10,629 cases
  • , 9,505 controls
European NR Inter- Lymph Consortium
PSS011328 133,830 individuals,
0.0 % Male samples
PSS011329 115,207 individuals,
100.0 % Male samples
PSS008384 1,178 individuals Greater Middle Eastern (Middle Eastern, North African or Persian) Iran (Middle East) UKB
  • 19 cases
  • , 6,478 controls
African unspecified UKB
PSS000580 PheCode:202.2; ICD9:200, 200.2, 200.8, 202.1, 202.2, 202.8, 202.9; ICD10:B21.1, C82.0, C82.1, C82.2, C82.7, C82.9, C83.0, C83.1, C83.2, C83.3, C83.4, C83.5, C83.6, C83.7, C83.8, C83.9, C84.0, C84.1, C84.2, C84.3, C84.4, C84.5, C85.0, C85.1, C85.7, C85.9, C96.7, C96.9, L41.2
  • 901 cases
  • , 9,051 controls
European UKB
PSS000581 PheCode:204.12; ICD9:204.1; ICD10:C91.1
  • 249 cases
  • , 2,509 controls
European UKB
PSS000582 PheCode:204.4; ICD9:203, 203.0, 203.8; ICD10:C88.1, C88.3, C88.9, C90.0, C90.2
  • 248 cases
  • , 2,490 controls
European UKB
PSS009054 4,052 individuals European Poland (NE Europe) UKB
PSS008162 6,171 individuals South Asian India (South Asia) UKB
PSS008672 3,602 individuals European Italy (South Europe) UKB
  • 138 cases
  • , 7,693 controls
South Asian UKB
PSS009070 4,108 individuals European Poland (NE Europe) UKB
PSS007791 1,548 individuals African American or Afro-Caribbean Carribean UKB
  • 1,426 cases
  • , 969 controls
European NR International Multiple Myeloma rESEarch (IMMEnSE) consortium
PSS008178 6,272 individuals South Asian India (South Asia) UKB
PSS009280 19,539 individuals European UK (+ Ireland) UKB
PSS008446 470 individuals Greater Middle Eastern (Middle Eastern, North African or Persian) Iran (Middle East) UKB
PSS009344 10,686 individuals European UK (+ Ireland) UKB
  • 5 cases
  • , 6,492 controls
African unspecified UKB
  • 20 cases
  • , 24,885 controls
European non-white British ancestry UKB
  • 2 cases
  • , 7,829 controls
South Asian UKB
  • 59 cases
  • , 67,366 controls
European white British ancestry UKB Testing cohort (heldout set)
PSS007949 1,787 individuals East Asian China (East Asia) UKB
  • 24 cases
  • , 222 controls
European UKB
  • 61 cases
  • , 660 controls
European UKB
PSS001171 Cases were individuals with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). CLL diagnoses were made based on the 1996 NCI working group criteria and updated to the 2008 International Workshop CLL criteria wherever possible.
  • 173 cases
  • , 235 controls
66.91 % Male samples
African American or Afro-Caribbean MAYO Possibly significant sample overlap between this dataset and the dataset used to source PRS41_CLL. Additional cases were obtained from Duke University and Cornell
PSS001172 Cases were individuals with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). CLL diagnoses were made based on the 1996 NCI working group criteria and updated to the 2008 International Workshop CLL criteria wherever possible.
  • 696 cases
  • , 2,631 controls
45.36 % Male samples
European MAYO Possibly significant sample overlap between this dataset and the dataset used to source PRS41_CLL. Additional cases were obtained from Duke University and Cornell
PSS001173 Cases were individuals with monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis (MBL) from two Mayo Clincs.Within the Mayo Clinic Biobank, MBL was screened for using a highly sensitive, 8-color (CD38, CD45, Kappa, Lambda, CD19, CD23, CD5 and CD20) flow-cytometry assay with the capacity to detect clonal B-cell counts to the 0.005% level (1/20,000 events), and for each individual, 500,000 PBMC events were typically captured. Of the 560 MBL cases, 396 had low-count MBL (LC-MBL) and 164 had high-count MBL (HC-MBL). Wiithin the Mayo Clinic Biobank only a subset of participants had a complete blood count. therefore the percent of clonal B-cells out of total B-cells was used to categorize participants as LC- and HC-MBL. Based on prior evidence, those MBL individuals with a percent clonal B-cell <85% were defined as LC-MBL and those with percent clonal B-cells ≥85% as HC-MBL. Within the Mayo Clinic Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) Resource, MBL was classified by LC-MBL or HC-MBL according to the B-cell clone size of below or above 0.5 × 109/L threshold, respectively.
  • 560 cases
  • , 2,631 controls
42.28 % Male samples
European MAYO Possibly significant sample overlap between this dataset and the dataset used to source PRS41_CLL.
PSS009118 2,539 individuals European Poland (NE Europe) UKB
PSS008608 6,489 individuals European Italy (South Europe) UKB
PSS008226 2,815 individuals South Asian India (South Asia) UKB
PSS009656 chronic lymphoid leukemia (ICD-9 = 204.1 or ICD-10 = C91.1) 265 individuals European UKB
PSS009657 diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (ICD-10 = C83.3) 308 individuals European UKB
PSS009658 follicular lymphoma (ICD- 10 = C82 or ICD-O: 9690) 197 individuals European UKB
PSS009659 multiple myeloma (ICD-9 = 203 or ICD-10 = C90.0) 290 individuals European UKB
PSS008624 6,613 individuals European Italy (South Europe) UKB
PSS001119 Cases were individuals with chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
  • 201 cases
  • , 1,267 controls
Not reported MAYO Cases were obtained from the Genetic Epidemiology of CLL (GEC) Consortium
PSS001120 Cases were individuals with monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis.
  • 95 cases
  • , 1,267 controls
Not reported MAYO Cases were obtained from the Genetic Epidemiology of CLL (GEC) Consortium
PSS001121 Cases were individuals with chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
  • 135 cases
  • , 83 controls
Not reported NR Cases and controls were obtained from the Genetic Epidemiology of CLL (GEC) Consortium
PSS001016 Individuals with at least one recorded incident diagnosis of a borderline, in situ, or malignant primary cancer were defined as cases.
  • 340 cases
  • , 390,998 controls
European UKB
PSS001123 Cases were individuals with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). Of the 3,958 individuals, 242 had a family history (FH) of hematological cancers, whereas 2,409 had no FH of hematological cancers. Of the 242 individuals with a FH, 112 had CLL. Of the 2,409 without a FH, 783 had CLL. FH was defined as a person self-reporting any hematological maligcancy among first-degree relatives. Hematological malignancies were defined as any non-Hodgkin lymphoma, Hodgkin lymphoma, multiple myeloma, or leukemia.
  • 1,499 cases
  • , 2,459 controls
60.81 % Male samples
European, NR 8 cohorts
  • BC
  • ,EpiLymph
  • ,MAYO
  • ,NSW
  • ,SCALE
  • ,UCSF2
Possible significant sample overlap between this dataset and the dataset used to source PRS41_CLL.
PSS001122 Cases were individuals with monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis.
  • 95 cases
  • , 58 controls
Not reported NR Cases and controls were obtained from the Genetic Epidemiology of CLL (GEC) Consortium
PSS001019 Individuals with at least one recorded incident diagnosis of a borderline, in situ, or malignant primary cancer were defined as cases.
  • 970 cases
  • , 390,998 controls
European UKB
PSS008895 2,068 individuals African unspecified Nigeria (West Africa) UKB
PSS000116 Cancer diagnoses were obtained from reigstry data in GERA, and ICD-9/10 codes mapped to ICD-O-3 codes in UK Biobank. Cancers for this phenotype were classified using the following SEER site recode(s): 35011 - 35013
  • 853 cases
  • , 410,354 controls
46.0 % Male samples
Mean = 58.0 years European GERA, UKB
  • 160 cases
  • , 24,745 controls
European non-white British ancestry UKB
PSS000119 Cancer diagnoses were obtained from reigstry data in GERA, and ICD-9/10 codes mapped to ICD-O-3 codes in UK Biobank. Cancers for this phenotype were classified using the following SEER site recode(s): 33041, and 33042
  • 2,411 cases
  • , 410,354 controls
46.0 % Male samples
Mean = 58.0 years European GERA, UKB